MSC Cyber Security Threats Lesson Notes
Module Weekly Outcomes (WLOs)
At the end of specific units, you will be able to:
Week 1 Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate understanding of the principles of cyber security and the CIA triad (MLO 1)
- Know how to, and be able to, use and interpret international standards (MLO 2, 3)
- Establish, and justify, contextual elements of a risk management plan (MLO 2, 3).
Week 2 Learning Outcomes
- Identify human and human-related factors which adversely affect cyber security (MLO 1)
- Identify and explain the significance and effect of common flaws in some common human interface elements (MLO 1, 4, 5)
- Demonstrate understanding of the importance of input check and sanitisation as a security mechanism (MLO 4, 5).
Week 3 Learning Outcomes
- Show an increased awareness of network traffic content and its implications for security issues (MLO 1)
- Use simple network monitoring methods to capture and perform initial inspection of evidence of potential security
issues (MLO 4, 5)
- Explain how some simple security and pen-testing tools can aid in assessment of cyber security (MLO 4, 5).
Week 4 Learning Outcomes
- Describe some common concepts in encryption (MLO 4, 5)
- Identify and break some simple encryption algorithms (MLO 1, 4)
- Explain how encryption is used to secure communications and services, and be able to deploy common security tokens (
MLO 1, 4, 5).
Week 5 Learning Outcomes
- Appreciate and explain the importance of databases in modern information systems (MLO 4, 5)
- Identify and describe some common attacks against databases and how to prevent or mitigate them (MLO 1, 5)
- Explain how data aggregation can increase threats to security (MLO 5).
Week 6 Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate an understanding of privacy issues and related legislation and regulations (MLO 2, 6)
- Describe how conflict can arise between privacy and security requirements (MLO 1, 6)
- Examine systems and documentation to determine compliance levels with externally derived privacy and other
requirements (MLO 1, 2, 6).
Week 7 Learning Outcomes
- Use the framework, introduced in week 1, to complete risk management plans (MLO 1, 2, 4, 5, 6)
- Explain how risk can be evaluated and a decision made about its acceptance (MLO 1, 2, 4, 5, 6)
- Select, and justify, appropriate treatments for risks from a range of options (MLO 1, 2, 4, 5, 6)
Main Topics
- Demonstrate understanding of the principles of cyber security and the CIA triad (MLO 1)
- Know how to, and be able to, use and interpret international standards (MLO 2, 3)
- Establish, and justify, contextual elements of a risk management plan (MLO 2, 3).
Sub titles:
- let’s introduce 4 key concepts which make up a system :
- Subjects - a subject is an entity, within a system, that performs an action. It can be a person, a program, a
manual process or an automated system made up of many parts.
- Actions - an action is an operation which results in a change to the system state by altering, creating or
removing objects. Actions are performed by subjects.
- Objects - an object is an entity, within a system, on which an action has an effect. Depending on context,
subjects may also be objects (for example, in a personnel records systems - individual records about staff members
would be objects, but members of the personnel department could also be considered subjects as they can perform
actions on the records held in the system).
- State - a snapshot of all the subjects and objects at a given point in time. It contains all data present in the
- Computer Security: concern with protection of the computer systems, and the information they process
- Information Security: focus on protectiong the information itself.
- This may not always hold in digital form.
- Ensuring availability and integrity of the information always include to security consideration.
- Cyber Security: hard to differentiating from Computer and Information Security.
- The common approach is combination of both of them the communication systems that allows information exchanged
between computer systems.
- Unauthorised access or modification of non-digital forms can also have an impact on cyberspace.
- CIA (AIC) Triad : the existing of these fundamentals are guarentee that security is being maintained.
- the CIA triad ensures that data cannot be leaked (is confidential), or altered by an unauthorised actor (integrity
is maintained) and is ready for use when it is required (is available).
- Confidentiality : This property ensures that object are only accessible by the subject which has the rights to
access to the object
- Confused by privacy. Privacy is usually out of the ISMS, needs to consider and ensure that legal requirement
compile by.
- Integrity: this property ensures that the object can be altered by the subject who has the right o do it.
- Availability: This property ensures the object can be accessible and alterable when subject is required.
- This includes precautions against unpredictable events such as floods, fires, asteroid strikes, global
pandemics etc.
Threats and Risks
- Threats : Something which can cause of a danger.
- Risk: is the probability to get damage from that threat
- Risk = Likelihood * Impact.
- For example: an asteroid landing on your house will have a very high impact (in all senses of the word) rating (
it’s clearly a disaster, not just for you but probably for most of the planet), but the probability of it
happening is pretty low - so overall, the risk it poses is quite low.
- low risk: situations are just inconvenient and easy to recover from
- high risk: situations can cause real damage or harm
- OWASP Risk Rating Methodology
- Step 1: Identifying a Risk
- Step 2: Factors for Estimating Likelihood
- Step 3: Factors for Estimating Impact
- Step 4: Determining Severity of the Risk
- Step 5: Deciding What to Fix
- Step 6: Customizing Your Risk Rating Model
- Thread Modeling
Risk Modelling and Assessment
- Understanding organization:
- The thread sec profession needs to be sure first CIA functioning of the the context of organization and processes.
- Then needs to understand threads and risks.
- There is some Guidlines for it:
- BS7799-3 (2017) “Information security management systems. Guidelines for information security risk
management” BS 7799-3:2017
- BS EN ISO/IEC 27001 (2017) “Information technology - Security Techniques - Information security management systems
Requirements” BS EN ISO/IEC 27001:2017
- Working with standards
Working with BS7799-3 and ISO/IEC 27001
Activity 1 : Establishing context
- The Car company:
- The company has
- a warehouse which contains stock of all parts which they sell, with quantities based on historic trends,
- a contract with an external courier firm for delivery of ordered items
- an opt-in mailing list that allows them to send details of promotions and new products to subscribers
- contracts with several manufacturers and importers for supply of new products
- Staff to look after purchasing, sales, warehouse inventory management, contract management, personnel and
- Task: Applying the ISO/IEC 27001 Clauses 4 and 5.3 to the company, making any reasonable assumptions that you need to,
to produce the following:
- A statement of the purpose of the business
- A list of internal and external issues that relate to the information security system(s) within the business
- A list of the interested parties relevant to the information security management system and the
issues/requirements specific to them
- A statement of the boundary of the business’s information security system (i.e. where does their ability to
control and/or responsibility for security end, and what is included inside the boundary?)
- A list of roles, within the information security management system, and what the responsibilities and authorities
for those roles are, or should be.
- Answers:
- Purpose - to generate income by selling car parts to retail and trade customers
- To do this, it needs systems to
- a. maintain an accurate list of parts in stock
- b. allow customers to place orders for parts in stock
- c. process payments
- d. ship order once payment has been received.
- e. forecast demand for parts based on historical data
- i. - so historic data must be correct
- f. issue orders to suppliers
- g. maintain a list of customers who want to be emailed
- i. with preferences about contact type & frequency maintained
- h. Send emails to subscribers as required
- i. Perform personnel functions
- j. Perform accounting functions
- i. Tax
- ii. Money in
- iii. Money out
- Issues
- a. Internally - protect data from unauthorised access, ensure that data held is accurate, ensure that data held is
available when required
- b. Externally - interface correctly with supplier systems to generate orders, interface correctly with banks and
others to make payments, interface correctly with payment processors to receive payments
- Interested parties
- a. Customers - ordering & receiving goods, making payments, not being spammed, not having data “stolen”
- b. Suppliers - receiving orders, being paid on time
- c. Staff - being paid on time, having correct tax deducted, not having data “leaked” or “stolen” internally or
- d. Shareholders - reputation and cash-flow
- e. Society - reputation, perception of the company and perception of security
- ISMS boundary - The company is responsible for all systems which it has complete control of, but not responsible for
any external systems upon which it relies. It will ensure that the data it exchanges with external systems conforms to
specifications, but cannot reasonably be responsible for the data once it has left the company’s own systems. It will
share responsibility for data in transit and will only allow data to be transferred in a secure manner.
- Roles
- a. Directors - setting policy, authorising changes, ensuring good governance and compliance with law and good
practice. Monitoring for signs of breach and dealing with the same if they occur.
- b. IT staff - ensuring that systems comply with internal and external requirements, including use of good security
practices and compliance with legal requirements. Monitoring systems for signs of breach, reporting and dealing
with the same.
- c. All staff - ensuring CIA triad by accessing and entering only those data that they are required or permitted
to. Monitoring systems for signs of breach and reporting the same. Externals (at interface points) might be
- d. Suppliers - providing clear interfaces, keeping their own systems secure, sending and receiving only required
- e. Customers - using the systems in the way are designed to be used, providing correct data
Why do this?
- how to identfy those threts?
- where BS 7799-3 Clause 6 comes into play
- “To implement an Information Security Management System (ISMS), ensure compliance with the law, prepare a business
continuity plan, or meet specific security requirements of our services and/or products.”
- “ISMS” - an Information Security Management System - clearly identifies the scope as being Information, not
physical, security.
- “Compliance with the law” - means we need to think about the laws that apply to the organisation and its
activities. At a minimum, we’re probably going to have to consider GDPR, but there may be others such as Human
Rights legislation, financial conduct regulations etc.
- “Business continuity plan” - a means for keeping the organisation running, albeit at a reduced or minimal level,
if a disaster happens. That means we need to identify activities within the organisation and prioritise them in
order of importance to the organisation’s continued survival.
- “Services and/or products” - again, we need to think about what the organisation does or makes and what the
security requirements for each of those is.
Activity 2: Establishing the ISMS boundary
- applying BS 7799-3 Clauses 6.1 through 6.3,
- Answer
- My answer to the previous exercise contains two big hints about this in the form of :
ISMS boundary - The company is responsible for all systems which it has complete control of, but not responsible for
any external systems upon which it relies. It will ensure that the data it exchanges with external systems conforms to
specifications, but cannot reasonably be responsible for the data once it has left the company’s own systems. It will
share responsibility for data in transit and will only allow data to be transferred in a secure manner.
- And the list of systems required :
- it needs systems to
- a. maintain an accurate list of parts in stock
- b. allow customers to place orders for parts in stock
- c. process payments
- d. ship order once payment has been received.
- e. forecast demand for parts based on historic data
- i. - so historic data must be correct
- f. issue orders to suppliers
- g. maintain a list of customers who want to be emailed
- i. with preferences about contact type & frequency maintained
- h. send emails to subscribers as required
- i. perform personnel functions
- j. perform accountancy functions
- i. Tax
- ii. Money in
- iii. Money out
- All of the systems that I have listed lie inside the boundary, with the possible exceptions of
- some customer payment (item c) handling (e.g. customer payments might be outsourced to something like PayPal)
- HR & payroll (item i) which might be dealt with through an external agency as well
- Mailing lists (items g and h), which could be outsourced to another third party like Mailchimp
Activity 3: Identifying consequences
identify the potential consequences of a breach in each of them (there may be more than one type of consequence in
many cases), and how severely (high, medium, low, insignificant) it would affect the organisation if such a breach
- Answer:
- For this, I’m going to assume that some of the systems identified have been outsourced, so can be dropped from the
list for now - these are customer payment handling, mailing lists and payroll it needs systems to
- a. maintain an accurate list of parts in stock
- b. allow customers to place orders for parts in stock
* c. process payments
- d. ship order once payment has been received.
- e. forecast demand for parts based on historic data
- i. - so historic data must be correct
- f. issue orders to suppliers
~~* g. maintain a list of customers who want to be emailed
- i. with preferences about contact type & frequency maintained~~
~~* h. Send emails to subscribers as required
- i. Perform personnel functions
- j. Perform accountancy functions
- i. Tax
- ii. Money in
- iii. Money out
So, for just a few of the elements listed above, I can start to construct a consequences table
(without worrying about the exact nature of the breach yet)
- And so on….
- For each in-scope system/process we will have a list of adverse effects that a breach can have on the business, and an
estimate for how severe that impact is. If we rank the impacted systems by severity of impact, we can start to
Main Topics
- Identify human and human-related factors which adversely affect cyber security (MLO 1)
- Identify and explain the significance and effect of common flaws in some common human interface elements (MLO 1, 4, 5)
- Demonstrate understanding of the importance of input check and sanitisation as a security mechanism (MLO 4, 5).
Sub titles:
Human factors
- Information in computers are intangible, tahts why hard to understand humans the importance.
- Even they know the value of the data stored in it, they cause several breaches on the securities, like disclosing
passwords, leaving laptops open etc.
- Even they aware of the potential securoty issues, hackers try to manipulate them with various technical or
psychological ways.
The Web—User Side
- Security issues for browsers arise from several complications to that simple description, such as these:
- A browser often connects to more than the one address shown in the browser’s address bar.
- Fetching data can entail accesses to numerous locations to obtain pictures, audio content, and other linked
- Browser software can be malicious or can be corrupted to acquire malicious functionality.
- Popular browsers support add-ins, extra code to add new features to the browser, but these add-ins themselves can
include corrupting code.
- Data display involves a rich command set that controls rendering, positioning, motion, layering, and even
- The browser can access any data on a user’s computer (subject to access control restrictions); generally the
browser runs with the same privileges as the user.
- Data transfers to and from the user are invisible, meaning they occur without the user’s knowledge or explicit
- Browsers connect users to outside networks, but few users can monitor the actual data transmitted
- A browser’s effect is immediate and transitory: pressing a key or clicking a link sends a signal, and there is seldom
a complete log to show what a browser communicated. In short, browsers are standard, straightforward pieces of
software that expose users to significantly greater security threats than most other kinds of software
Browser Attacks
- There are three attack vectors against a browser:
- Go after the operating system so it will impede the browser’s correct and secure functioning.
- Tackle the browser or one of its components, add-ons, or plug-ins so its activity is altered.
- Intercept or modify communication to or from the browser.
- Man-in-the-Browser:
- A man-in-the-browser attack is an example of malicious code that has infected a browser. Code inserted into the
browser can read, copy, and redistribute anything the user enters in a browser. The threat here is that the
attacker will intercept and reuse credentials to access financial accounts and other sensitive data.
- Man-in-the-browser: Trojan horse that intercepts data passing through the browser
- Keystroke Logger
- A keystroke logger (or key logger) is either hardware or software that records all keystrokes entered.
- The logger either retains these keystrokes for future use by the attacker or sends them to the attacker across a
network connection.
- Page-in-the-Middle
- A page-in-the-middle attack is another type of browser attack in which a user is redirected to another page.
Similar to the man-in-the-browser attack, a page attack might wait until a user has gone to a particular web site
and present a fictitious page for the user.
- As an example, when the user clicks “login” to go to the login page of any site, the attack might redirect the
user to the attacker’s page, where the attacker can also capture the user’s credentials.
- Program Download Substitution
- Coupled with a page-in-the-middle attack is a download substitution.
- In a download substitution, the attacker presents a page with a desirable and seemingly innocuous program for the
user to download, for example, a browser toolbar or a photo organizer utility.
- What the user does not know is that instead of or in addition to the intended program, the attacker downloads and
installs malicious code.
- A user agreeing to install a program has no way to know what that program will actually do.
- User-in-the-Middle
- A different form of attack puts a human between two automated processes so that the human unwittingly helps
spammers register automatically for free email accounts.
- A CAPTCHA is a puzzle that supposedly only a human can solve, so a server application can distinguish between a
human who makes a request and an automated program generating the same request repeatedly.
- CAPTCHA -> Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart
- How captcha vulneribility can be eliminated?
- By introducing some degree of randomness, such as an unpredictable number of characters in a string of text.
- The central failure of these in-the-middle attacks is faulty authentication.
- If A cannot be assured that the sender of a message is really B, A cannot trust the authenticity of anything in the
- Human Authentication
- face-to-face authentication.
- human-to-computer authentication that used sophisticated techniques such as biometrics and so-called smart
identity cards.
- These human factors can affect authentication in many contexts because humans often have a role in authentication,
even of one computer to another.
- Computer Authentication
- Computer authentication uses the same three primitives as human authentication, with obvious variations.
- The problem, such as cryptographic key exchange, is how to develop a secret shared by only two computers.
- In addition to obtaining solid authentication data, you must also consider how authentication is implemented.
- if software can interfere with the authentication-checking code to make any value succeed, authentication is
compromised. Thus, vulnerabilities in authentication include not just the authentication data but also the
processes used to implement authentication.
- Authentication discussion two-sided issue: The system needs assurance that the user is authentic, but the user
needs that same assurance about the system.
- This second issue has led to a new class of computer fraud called phishing, in which an unsuspecting user
submits sensitive information to a malicious system impersonating a trustworthy one.
- Common targets of phishing attacks are banks and other financial institutions: Fraudsters use the
sensitive data they obtain from customers to take customers’ money from the real institutions.
- Other phishing attacks are used to plant malicious code on the victim’s computer.
- Authentication is vulnerable at several points:
- Usability and accuracy can conflict for identification and authentication: A more usable system may be less
accurate. But users demand usability, and at least some system designers pay attention to these user demands.
- Computer-to-computer interaction allows limited bases for authentication. Computer authentication is mainly based
on what the computer knows, that is, stored or computable data. But stored data can be located by unauthorized
processes, and what one computer can compute so can another.
- Malicious software can undermine authentication by eavesdropping on (intercepting) the authentication data and
allowing it to be reused later. Well- placed attack code can also wait until a user has completed authentication
and then interfere with the content of the authenticated session.
- Each side of a computer interchange needs assurance of the authentic identity of the opposing side. This is true
for human-to-computer interactions as well as for computer-to-human.
- Successful Identification and Authentication
- Appealing to everyday human activity gives some useful countermeasures for attacks against identification and
- Shared Secret
- Banks and credit card companies struggle to find new ways to make sure the holder of a credit card number is
- For example, mums maiden name
- financial institutions are asking new customers to file the answers to questions presumably only the right
person will know
- The basic concept is of a shared secret, something only the two entities on the end should know
- To be effective, a shared secret must be something no malicious middle agent can know.
- One-Time Password
- As its name implies, a one-time password is good for only one use. To use a one-time password scheme, the two
end parties need to have a shared secret list of passwords.
- When one password is used, both parties mark the word off the list and use the next word the next time.
- Out-of-Band Communication
- Out-of-band communication means transferring one fact along a communication path separate from that of another
- For example, bank card PINs are always mailed separately from the bank card so that if the envelope
containing the card is stolen, the thief cannot use the card without the PIN
- Continuous Authentication
- If two parties carry on an encrypted communication, an interloper wanting to enter into the communication must
break the encryption or cause it to be reset with a new key exchange between the interceptor and one end.
- Both of these attacks are complicated but not impossible.
- However, this countermeasure is foiled if the attacker can intrude in the communication pre-encryption or
- Encryption can provide continuous authentication, but care must be taken to set it up properly and guard the
end points.
- Secure Password submittion:
- GET Method is not secure even by usinf HTTPS, because it sets userName and password on the Quesry paramaters which
are visiable on URL
- POST Form with SSL is the secure way to send username and passwords. Because data is sending on body and encripted
with SSL.
- Data in the browser and in the server are rarely held in encrypted form because it slows processing down - so if
anyone has access to either of those programs, there is potential for them to gain access to the unencrypted data.
- The only visible problem should be the GET method URL containing the request data - making it vulnerable to shoulder
surfers. Everything going across the network, in either direction, should be in TLS1.3 packets and encrypted so that
the even the nature of the protocol isn’t obvious.
2-factor authentication (2FA)
- 2FA is involved in logon process, the system itself will generate a one-time password (OTP) which is sent to the user
through another channel (e.g. email, mobile phone, code generating app).
- 2FA introduces an extra step for attackers - they need to obtain credentials AND control of the 2FA channel
- Use of mobile phone messaging is also a common way of sending the secondary credential to the user, because mobile
phones are now very prevalent (a lot of people have them) and ubiquitous (people carry them around most of the time).
Trust in the site
- 2 situation involving web content
- false content
- seeking to harm the viewer
- False or Misleading Content
- The falsehoods that follow include both obvious and subtle forgeries.
- Defaced Web Site
- The simplest attack, a website defacement, occurs when an attacker replaces or modifies the content of a
legitimate web site.
- For example, recent political attacks have subtly replaced the content of a candidate’s own site to imply falsely
that a candidate had said or done something unpopular. Or using website modification as a first step, the attacker
can redirect a link on the page to a malicious location, for example, to present a fake login box and obtain the
victim’s login ID and password. All these attacks attempt to defeat the integrity of the web page.
- A defacement is common not only because of its visibility but also because of the ease with which one can be done.
- Web sites are designed so that their code is downloaded, enabling an attacker to obtain the full hypertext
document and all programs directed to the client in the loading process.
- An attacker can even view programmers’ comments left in as they built or maintained the code. The download process
essentially gives the attacker the blueprints to the web site.
- Fake Web Site
- The attacker can get all the images a real site uses; fake sites can look convincing.
- Fake Code
- One transmission route we did not note was an explicit download: programs intentionally installed that may
advertise one purpose but do something entirely different.
- Perhaps the easiest way for a malicious code writer to install code on a target machine is to create an
application that a user willingly downloads and installs.
- smartphone apps are well suited for distributing false or misleading code because of the large number of young,
trusting smartphone users.
Protecting Web Sites Against Change
- Our favorite integrity control, encryption, is often inappropriate: Distributing decryption keys to all users defeats
the effectiveness of encryption. However, two uses of encryption can help keep a site’s content intact.
- Integrity Checksums
- Integrity checksums can detect altered content on a web site.
- A checksum, hash code, or error detection code is a mathematical function that reduces a block of data (including
an executable program) to a small number of bits.
- Changing the data affects the function’s result in mostly unpredictable ways, meaning that it is
difficult—although not impossible—to change the data in such a way that the resulting function value is not
changed. Using a checksum, you trust or hope that significant changes will invalidate the checksum value.
- Signed Code or Data
- Using an integrity checker helps the server-side administrator know that data are intact; it provides no assurance
to the client. A similar, but more complicated approach works for clients, as well.
- a digital signature is an electronic seal that can vouch for the authenticity of a file or other data object. The
recipient can inspect the seal to verify that it came from the person or organization believed to have signed the
object and that the object was not modified after it was signed.
- A digital signature can vouch for the authenticity of a program, update, or dataset. The problem is, trusting the
legitimacy of the signer.
- A partial approach to reducing the risk of false code is signed code. Users can hold downloaded code until they
inspect the seal. After verifying that the seal is authentic and covers the entire code file being downloaded,
users can install the code obtained.
- signed code may confirm that a piece of software received is what the sender sent, but not that the software does
all or only what a user expects it to.
Malicious Web Content
- Substitute Content on a Real Web Site
- More mischievous attackers soon realized that in a similar way, they could replace other parts of a web site and
do so in a way that did not attract attention.
- Web Bug
- Tiny action points called web bugs can report page traversal patterns to central collecting points, compromising
- a web page is made up of many files: some text, graphics, executable code, and scripts. When the web page is
loaded, files are downloaded from a destination and processed; during the processing they may invoke other files (
perhaps from other sites) which are in turn downloaded and processed, until all invocations have been satisfied.
- When a remote file is fetched for inclusion, the request also sends the IP address of the requester, the type of
browser, and the content of any cookies stored for the requested site. These cookies permit the page to display a
notice such as “Welcome back, Elaine,” bring up content from your last visit, or redirect you to a particular web
Some advertisers want to count number of visitors and number of times each visitor arrives at a site. They can do
this by a combination of cookies and an invisible image. A web bug, also called a clear GIF, 1x1 GIF, or tracking
bug, is a tiny image, as small as 1 pixel by 1 pixel (depending on resolution, screens display at least 100 to 200
pixels per inch), an image so small it will not normally be seen. Nevertheless, it is loaded and processed the
same as a larger picture. Part of the processing is to notify the bug’s owner, the advertiser, who thus learns
that another user has loaded the advertising image.
A single company can do the same thing without the need for a web bug. If you order flowers online, the florist
can obtain your IP address and set a cookie containing your details so as to recognize you as a repeat customer. A
web bug allows this tracking across multiple merchants.
- Web bugs can also be used in email with images. A spammer gets a list of email addresses but does not know if the
addresses are active, that is, if anyone reads mail at that address. With an embedded web bug, the spammer
receives a report when the email message is opened in a browser. Or a company suspecting its email is ending up
with competitors or other unauthorized parties can insert a web bug that will report each time the message is
opened, whether as a direct recipient or someone to whom the message has been forwarded.
- Clickjacking
- Clickjacking: Tricking a user into clicking a link by disguising what the link points to
- The two technical tasks, changing the color to transparent and moving the page, are both possible because of a
technique called framing, or using an iframe. An iframe is a structure that can contain all or part of a page, can
be placed and moved anywhere on another page, and can be layered on top of or underneath other frames. Although
important for managing complex images and content, such as a box with scrolling to enter a long response on a
feedback page, frames also facilitate clickjacking.
- Drive-By Download
- Drive-by download: downloading and installing code other than what a user expects
- Similar to the clickjacking attack, a drive-by download is an attack in which code is downloaded, installed, and
executed on a computer without the user’s permission and usually without the user’s knowledge.
Protecting Against Malicious Web Pages
- Access control accomplishes separation, keeping two classes of things apart. In this context, we want to keep
malicious code off the user’s system; alas, that is not easy.
- Users download code to add new applications, update old ones, or improve execution.
- The other control is a responsibility of the web page owner: Ensure that code on a web page is good, clean, or
suitable. Here again, the likelihood of that happening is small, for two reasons.
- Second, good (secure, safe) code is hard to define and enforce.
Google’s “site:” search operator
- Using Google’s “site:” search operator, you can specify that it should return only pages from the site you specify.
- If you don’t give any search terms at all, apart from the site, you should get a list of all pages indexed in Google (
e.g. “” should list all pages visible under the University’s domain).
Other web flaws
- Someone interested in obtaining unauthorized data from the background database server crafts and passes SQL commands
to the server through the web interface.
- Similar attacks involve writing scripts in Java. These attacks are called scripting or injection attacks because the
unauthorized request is delivered as a script or injected into the dialog with the server.
Cross-Site Scripting
SQL Injection
- SQL injection operates by inserting code into an exchange between a client and database server.
- To understand this attack, you need to know that database management systems (DBMSs) use a language called SQL (which,
in this context, stands for structured query language) to represent queries to the DBMS.
- If the user can inject a string into this interchange, the user can force the DBMS to return a set of records. The
DBMS evaluates the WHERE clause as a logical expression.
- For Example: QUERY = “SELECT * FROM trans WHERE acct=’”+ acctNum + ”’;”
- If the user enters the account number as “‘2468’ OR ‘1’=‘1’” the resulting query becomes
- QUERY = “SELECT * FROM trans WHERE acct=‘2468’ OR ‘1’=‘1’”
- Because ‘1’=‘1’ is always TRUE, the OR of the two parts of the WHERE clause is always TRUE, every record satisfies the
value of the WHERE clause and so the DBMS will return all records in the database.
- The trick here, as with cross-site scripting, is that the browser application includes direct user input into the
command, and the user can force the server to execute arbitrary SQL commands.
- Enter the dot-dot. In both Unix and Windows, ‘..’ is the directory indicator for “predecessor.”
- And ‘../..’ is the grandparent of the current location. So someone who can enter file names can travel back up the
directory tree one .. at a time.
- For example, passing the following URL causes the server to return the requested file, autoexec.nt, enabling an
attacker to modify or delete it.
- &File=../../../../../winnt/system32/autoexec.nt
Server-Side Include
- A potentially more serious problem is called a server-side include.
- The problem takes advantage of the fact that web pages can be organized to invoke a particular function automatically.
- For example, many pages use web commands to send an email message in the “contact us” part of the displayed page.
- The commands are placed in a field that is interpreted in HTML.
- One of the server-side include commands is exec, to execute an arbitrary file on the server. For instance, the
server-side include command
- <!—#exec cmd=”/usr/bin/telnet &”—>
- opens a Telnet session from the server running in the name of (that is, with the privileges of) the server.
- An attacker may find it interesting to execute commands such as chmod (change access rights to an object), sh (
establish a command shell), or cat (copy to a file).
Social Engineering and attacks on the wetware
Fake Email
- an attacker can attempt to fool people with fake email messages.
Fake Email Messages as Spam
- Spam is fictitious or misleading email, offers to buy designer watches, anatomical enhancers, or hot stocks, as well
as get-rich schemes involving money in overseas bank accounts.
- Types of spam are rising:
- fake “nondelivery” messages (“Your message x could not be delivered”)
- false social networking messages, especially attempts to obtain login details
- current events messages (“Want more details on [sporting event, political race, crisis] ?”)
- shipping notices (“x company was unable to deliver a package to your address —shown in this link.”)
- Volume of Spam: more than %55 is spam mails
- Spammers make enough money to make the work worthwhile.
- Why Send Spam?
- Advertising
- Pump and Dump: popular spam topic is stocks
- pump and dump game : A trader pumps—artificially inflates—the stock price by rumors and a surge in activity.
The trader then dumps it when it gets high enough. The trader makes money as it goes up; the spam recipients
lose money when the trader dumps holdings at the inflated prices, prices fall, and the buyers cannot find
other willing buyers. Spam lets the trader pump up the stock price.
- Malicious Payload
- Clicking a link offering you a free prize, and you have actually just signed your computer up to be a
controlled agent (and incidentally, you did not win the prize).
- Spam email with misleading links is an important vector for enlisting computers as bots.
- Links to Malicious Web Sites:
- What to Do about Spam?
- Legal:
- Spam is not yet annoying, harmful, or expensive enough to motivate international action to stop it.
- Numerous countries and other jurisdictions have tried to make the sending of massive amounts of unwanted email
illegal. In the United States, the CAN-SPAM act of 2003 and Directive 2002/58/EC of the European Parliament
are two early laws restricting the sending of spam; most industrialized countries have similar legislation.
- Defining the scope of prohibited activity is tricky, because countries want to support Internet commerce,
especially in their own borders.
- Almost immediately after it was signed, detractors dubbed the U.S. CAN-SPAM act the “You Can Spam” act
because it does not require emailers to obtain permission from the intended recipient before sending email
- The act requires emailers to provide an opt-out procedure, but marginally legal or illegal senders will
not care about violating that provision
- Source Addresses:
- source addresses in email can easily be forged. and Email senders are not reliable
- Legitimate senders want valid source addresses as a way to support replies; illegitimate senders get their
responses from web links, so the return address is of no benefit.
- Accurate return addresses only provide a way to track the sender, which illegitimate senders do not want.
- Internet protocols could enforce stronger return addresses
- But Such a change would require a rewriting of the email protocols and a major overhaul of all email
carriers on the Internet, which is unlikely unless there is another compelling reason, not security.
- Screeners:
- screeners, tools to automatically identify and quarantine or delete spam
- Screeners are highly effective against amateur spam senders, but sophisticated mailers can pass through
- Volume Limitations:
- limiting the volume of a single sender or a single email system.
- The problem is legitimate mass marketers, who send thousands of messages on behalf of hundreds of clients.
Rate limitations have to allow and even promote commerce, while curtailing spam; balancing those two needs is
the hard part.
- Postage
- A small fee could be charged for each email message sent, payable through the sender’s ISP.
- The difficulty again would be legitimate mass mailers, but the cost of e-postage would simply be a recognized
cost of business.
- Fake (Inaccurate) Email Header Data
- one reason email attacks succeed is that the headers on email are easy to spoof, and thus recipients believe the
email has come from a safe source
Proposals for more reliable email include authenticated Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) or SMTP-Auth (RFC
2554) or Enhanced SMTP (RFC 1869), but so many nodes, programs, and organizations are involved in the Internet
email system that it would be infeasible now to change the basic email transport scheme.
- It is even possible to create and send a valid email message by composing all the headers and content on the fly,
through a Telnet interaction with an SMTP service that will transmit the mail.
- Consequently, headers in received email are generally unreliable.
- In a phishing attack, the email message tries to trick the recipient into disclosing private data or taking another
unsafe action.
- A more pernicious form of phishing is known as spear phishing, email tempts recipients by seeming to come from sources
the receiver knows and trusts.
- What distinguishes spear phishing attacks is their use of social engineering: The email lure is personalized to
the recipient, thereby reducing the user’s skepticism.
- Protecting Against Email Attacks
- need a way to ensure the authenticity of email from supposedly reliable sources.
- PGP (Pretty Good Privacy):
- PGP addresses the key distribution problem with what is called a “ring of trust” or a user’s “keyring.”
- One user directly gives a public key to another, or the second user fetches the first’s public key from a
- Some people include their PGP public keys at the bottom of email messages.
- And one person can give a second person’s key to a third (and a fourth, and so on).
- Thus, the key association problem becomes one of caveat emptor (let the buyer beware): If I trust you, I
may also trust the keys you give me for other people.
- The model breaks down intellectually when you give me all the keys you received from people, who in turn
gave you all the keys they got from still other people, who gave them all their keys, and so forth.
- Steps /actions of PGP
- Create a random session key for a symmetric algorithm.
- Encrypt the message, using the session key (for message confidentiality).
- Encrypt the session key under the recipient’s public key.
- Generate a message digest or hash of the message; sign the hash by encrypting it with the sender’s private
key (for message integrity and authenticity).
- Attach the encrypted session key to the encrypted message and digest. • Transmit the message to the
- S/MIME (Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions):
- S/MIME is the Internet standard for secure email attachments.
- S/MIME is very much like PGP and its predecessors, PEM (Privacy-Enhanced Mail) and RIPEM.
- The principal difference between S/MIME and PGP is the method of key exchange.
- Basic PGP depends on each user’s exchanging keys with all potential recipients and establishing a ring of
trusted recipients; it also requires establishing a degree of trust in the authenticity of the keys for
those recipients.
- S/MIME uses hierarchically validated certificates, usually represented in X.509 format, for key exchange.
- Thus, with S/MIME, the sender and recipient do not need to have exchanged keys in advance as long as they
have a common certifier they both trust.
- S/MIME works with a variety of cryptographic algorithms, such as DES, AES, and RC2 for symmetric encryption.
SPF (Sender Policy Framework)
- What is SPF?
- The Sender Policy Framework (SPF) is an email-authentication technique which is used to prevent spammers from sending
messages on behalf of your domain. With SPF an organisation can publish authorized mail servers
- Together with the DMARC related information, this gives the receiver (or receiving systems) information on how
trustworthy the origin of an email is. SPF is, just like DMARC, an email authentication technique that uses DNS (
Domain Name Service).
- This gives you, as an email sender, the ability to specify which email servers are permitted to send email on behalf
of your domain.
- An SPF record is a DNS record that has to be added to the DNS zone of your domain. In this SPF record you can specify
which IP addresses and/or hostnames are authorized to send email from the specific domain.
- The mail receiver will use the “envelope from” address of the mail (mostly the Return-Path header) to confirm that the
sending IP address was allowed to do so.
- This will happen before receiving the body of the message.
- When the sending email server isn’t included in the SPF record from a specific domain the email from this server
will be marked as suspicious and can be rejected by the email receiver.
- SPF is one of the authentication techniques on which DMARC is based. DMARC uses the result of the SPF checks and add a
check on the alignment of the domains to determine its results.
- SPF is a great technique to add authentication to your emails. However it has some limitations which you need to be
aware of.
- SPF does not validate the “From” header. This header is shown in most clients as the actual sender of the message.
SPF does not validate the “header from”, but uses the “envelope from” to determine the sending domain
- SPF will break when an email is forwarded. At this point the ‘forwarder’ becomes the new ‘sender’ of the message
and will fail the SPF checks performed by the new destination.
- SPF lacks reporting which makes it harder to maintain
DKIM (Domain Keys Identified Mail)
- What is DKIM
- DKIM (Domain Keys Identified Mail) is an email authentication technique that allows the receiver to check that an
email was indeed sent and authorized by the owner of that domain.
- This is done by giving the email a digital signature.
- This DKIM signature is a header that is added to the message and is secured with encryption.
- DKIM signature certain that parts of the email among which the message body and attachments haven’t been modified.
- DKIM validation is done on a server level.
- Implementing the DKIM standard will improve email deliverability.
- If you use DKIM record together with DMARC (and even SPF) you can also protect your domain against malicious
emails sent on behalf of your domains.
- In Practice:
- The DKIM signature is generated by the MTA (Mail Transfer Agent).
- It creates a unique string of characters called Hash Value.
- This hash value is stored in the listed domain.
- After receiving the email, the receiver can verify the DKIM signature using the public key registered in the DNS.
- It uses that key to decrypt the Hash Value in the header and recalculate the hash value from the email it
- If these two DKIM signatures are a match the MTA knows that the email has not been altered.
- This gives the user confirmation that the email was actually sent from the listed domain.
DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication Reporting and Conformance)
Main Topics
Sub titles:
Networks and networked services
- In a local environment, the physical wires are frequently secured physically or perhaps visually so wiretapping is not
a major issue.
- With remote communication, the same notion of wires applies, but the wires are outside the control and protection of
the user, so tampering with the transmission is a serious threat.
- When data items leave a protected environment, others along the way can view or intercept the data; other terms used
are eavesdrop, wiretap, or sniff.
- Signal interception is a serious potential network vulnerability.
- Cable:
- Each LAN connector (such as a computer board) has a unique address, called the MAC (for Media Access Control)
address; each board and its drivers are programmed to label all packets from its host with its unique address (as
a sender’s “return address”) and to take from the net only those packets addressed to its host.
- Packet Sniffing:
- A device called a packet sniffer retrieves all packets on its LAN
- Radiation
- Ordinary wire (and many other electronic components) emits radiation.
- By a process called inductance an intruder can tap a wire and read radiated signals without making physical
contact with the cable; essentially, the intruder puts an antenna close to the cable and picks up the
electromagnetic radiation of the signals passing through the wire.
- A cable’s inductance signals travel only short distances, and they can be blocked by other conductive materials,
- or the attack to work, the intruder must be fairly close to the cable; therefore, this form of attack is limited
to situations with physical access.
- Cable Splicing
- The easiest form of intercepting a cable is by direct cut. If a cable is severed, all service on it stops.
- As part of the repair, an attacker can splice in a secondary cable that then receives a copy of all signals along
the primary cable. Interceptors can be a little less obvious but still accomplish the same goal
- For example, the attacker might carefully expose some of the outer conductor, connect to it, then carefully
expose some of the inner conductor and connect to it. Both of these operations alter the resistance, called
the impedance, of the cable.
- With a device called a sniffer someone can connect to and intercept all traffic on a network; the sniffer can
capture and retain data or forward it to a different network.
- Signals on a network are multiplexed, meaning that more than one signal is transmitted at a given time.
- A LAN carries distinct packets, but data on a WAN may be heavily multiplexed as it leaves its sending host
- Optical Fiber
- Optical fiber offers two significant security advantages over other transmission media.
- First, the entire optical network must be tuned carefully each time a new connection is made. Therefore, no
one can tap an optical system without detection. Clipping just one fiber in a bundle will destroy the balance
in the network.
- Second, optical fiber carries light energy, not electricity. Light does not create a magnetic field as
electricity does. Therefore, an inductive tap is impossible on an optical fiber cable.
- Microwave:
- Microwave signals are not carried along a wire; they are broadcast through the air, making them more
accessible to outsiders.
- Microwave is a line-of-sight technology; the receiver needs to be on an unblocked line with the sender’s
- Typically, a transmitter’s signal is focused on its corresponding receiver because microwave reception
requires a clear space between sender and receiver.
- Not only can someone intercept a microwave transmission by interfering with the line of sight between sender
and receiver, someone can also pick up an entire transmission from an antenna located close to but slightly
off the direct focus point.
- A microwave signal is usually not shielded or isolated to prevent interception
- Microwave is, therefore, an insecure medium because the signal is so exposed.
- However, because of the large volume of traffic carried by microwave links, an interceptor is unlikely to
separate an individual transmission from all the others interleaved with it.
- Microwave signals require true visible alignment, so they are of limited use in hilly terrain.
- Satellite Communication:
- Signals can be bounced off a satellite: from earth to the satellite and back to earth again.
- Satellites are in orbit at a level synchronized to the earth’s orbit, so they appear to be in a fixed point
relative to the earth.
- Transmission to the satellite can cover a wide area around the satellite because nothing else is nearby to
pick up the signal.
- On return to earth, however, the wide dissemination radius, called the broadcast’s footprint, allows any
antenna within range to obtain the signal without detection,
- some signals can be intercepted in an area several hundred miles wide and a thousand miles long
- However, because satellite communications are generally heavily multiplexed, the risk is small that any one
communication will be intercepted.
- All network communications are potentially exposed to interception; thus, sensitive signals must be protected.
Protocol Layers
Addressing and Routing
- direct connections work only for a small number of parties. It would be infeasible for every Internet user to have a
dedicated wire to every other user.
- For reasons of reliability and size, the Internet and most other networks resemble a mesh, with data being boosted
along paths from source to destination.
- Protocols:
- A protocol is a language or set of conventions for how two computers will interact.
- Independence is possible because we have defined protocols that allow a user to view the network at a high,
abstract level of communication (viewing it in terms of user and data); the details of how the communication is
accomplished are hidden within software and hardware at both ends.
- The software and hardware enable us to implement a network according to a protocol stack, a layered architecture
for communications;
- Addressing
- Routing:
- The Internet has many devices called routers, whose purpose is to redirect packets in an effort to get them closer
to their destination.
- Routers direct traffic on a path that leads to a destination.
- Routers uses a table to determine the quickest path to the destination
- Routers communicate with neighboring routers to update the state of connectivity and traffic flow; with these
updates the routers continuously update their tables of best next steps.
- Ports
- Port: number associated with an application program that serves or monitors for a network service
- Many common services are bound to agreed-on ports, which are essentially just numbers to identify different
services; the destination port number is given in the header of each packet or data unit.
- Ports 0 to 4095 are called well-known ports and are by convention associated with specific services.
- Daemons : services which runs on background without user input ie mail service
Attacks on networks and networked services
- Attacks categories:
- “Bugging” (eavesdropping and wiretapping):
- Where the attacker observes data flowing on the network in order to copy it or obtain information which will
assist another type of attack.
- Note, though, that in modern systems which use switches in preference to hubs, an attacker can usually only
observe data on the same subnet.
- Alteration (modification, fabrication: data corruption) :
- where the attacker changes data on the network, or inserts new data into the network in order to facilitate
the attack - this can even involve the attacker assuming the identity of a legitimate network node through MAC
and/or IP address spoofing in order to hide their presence
- Denial of service (Interruption: loss of service and Denial of service):
- where the attacker finds a way to interrupt or degrade normal network operations in order to disrupt
Threats to Network Communications
- 4 potential types of harms
- interception, or unauthorized viewing
- modification, or unauthorized change
- fabrication, or unauthorized creation
- interruption, or preventing authorized access
Interception: Eavesdropping and Wiretapping
- Wiretapping is the name given to data interception, often covert and unauthorized.
- The name wiretap refers to the original mechanism, which was a device that was attached to a wire to split off a
second pathway that data would follow in addition to the primary path.
- Now, of course, the media range from copper wire to fiber cables and radio signals, and the way to tap depends on the
Encryption is the strongest and most commonly used countermeasure against interception, although physical security (
protecting the communications lines themselves), dedicated lines, and controlled routing (ensuring that a
communication travels only along certain paths) have their roles, as well.
- What Makes a Network Vulnerable to Interception?
- Anonymity:
- An attacker can mount an attack from thousands of miles away and never come into direct contact with the
system, its administrators, or users. The potential attacker is thus safe behind an electronic shield.
- Many Points of Attack:
- Access controls on one machine preserve the confidentiality of data on that processor.
- However, when a file is stored in a network host remote from the user, the data or the file itself may pass
through many hosts to get to the user.
- One host’s administrator may enforce rigorous security policies, but that administrator has no control over
other hosts in the network. Thus, the user must depend on the access control mechanisms in each of these
- Sharing
- Because networks enable resource and workload sharing, networked systems open up potential access to more
users than do single computers. Perhaps worse, access is afforded to more systems, so access controls for
single systems may be inadequate in networks.
- System Complexity”:
- Most users have no idea of all the processes active in the background on their computers.
- The attacker can use this power to advantage by causing the victim’s computer to perform part of the attack’s
- Unknown Perimeter:
- A network’s expandability also implies uncertainty about the network boundary.
- One host may be a node on two different networks, so resources on one network are accessible to the users of
the other network as well.
- Although wide accessibility is an advantage, this unknown or uncontrolled group of possibly malicious users is
a security disadvantage.
- A similar problem occurs when new hosts can be added to the network.
- Every network node must be able to react to the possible presence of new, untrustable hosts.
- Unknown Path:
- there may be many paths from one host to another. Suppose that a user on host A1 wants to send a message to a
user on host B3. That message might be routed through hosts C or D before arriving at host B3. Host C may
provide acceptable security, but D does not.
Modification, Fabrication: Data Corruption
- Network data corruption occurs naturally because of minor failures of transmission media. Corruption can also be
induced for malicious purposes. Both must be controlled.
- The threat is that a communication will be changed during transmission. Sometimes the act involves modifying data en
route; other times it entails crafting new content or repeating an existing communication. These three attacks are
called modification, insertion, and replay, respectively.
- You should keep in mind that data corruption can be intentional or unintentional, from a malicious or nonmalicious
source, and directed or accidental. Data corruption can occur during data entry, in storage, during use and
computation, in transit, and on output and retrieval.
The TCP/IP protocol suite (which we describe later in this chapter), is used for most Internet data communication.
TCP/IP has extensive features to ensure that the receiver gets a complete, correct, and well-ordered data stream,
despite any errors during transmission.
- Sequencing
- A sequencing attack or problem involves permuting the order of data. Most commonly found in network
communications, a sequencing error occurs when a later fragment of a data stream arrives before a previous one:
Packet 2 arrives before packet 1.
- Sequencing errors are actually quite common in network traffic.
- Network protocols such as the TCP suite ensure the proper ordering of traffic
- Substitution
- A substitution attack is the replacement of one piece of a data stream with another.
- Substitution errors can occur with adjacent cables or multiplexed parallel communications in a network;
occasionally, interference, called crosstalk. allows data to flow into an adjacent path.
- A malicious attacker can perform a substitution attack by splicing a piece from one communication into another.
Thus, Amy might obtain copies of two communications, one to transfer $100 to Amy, and a second to transfer
$100,000 to Bill, and Amy could swap either the two amounts or the two destinations.
- The obvious countermeasure against substitution attacks is encryption, covering the entire message (making it
difficult for the attacker to see which section to substitute) or creating an integrity check (making modification
more evident).
- Insertion
- An insertion attack, which is almost a form of substitution, is one in which data values are inserted into a
stream. An attacker does not even need to break an encryption scheme in order to insert authentic-seeming data; as
long as the attacker knows precisely where to slip in the data, the new piece is encrypted under the same key as
the rest of the communication.
- Replay
- In a replay attack, legitimate data are intercepted and reused, generally without modification. A replay attack
differs from both a wiretapping attack (in which the content of the data is obtained but not reused) and a
man-in-the-middle attack
- An unscrupulous merchant processes a credit card or funds transfer on behalf of a user and then, seeing that the
transfer succeeded, resubmits another transaction on behalf of the user.
- With a replay attack, the interceptor need not know the content or format of a transmission; in fact, replay
attacks can succeed on encrypted data without altering or breaking the encryption.
Replay attacks can also be used with authentication credentials. Transmitting an identity and password in the
clear is an obvious weakness, but transmitting an identity in the clear but with an encrypted password is
similarly weak,
- A similar example involves cookies for authentication.
- If the attacker can intercept cookies being sent to (or extract cookies stored by) the victim’s browser, then
returning that same cookie can let the attacker open an email session under the identity of the victim.
- Replay attacks are countered with a sequencing number. T
- Each recipient keeps the last message number received and checks each incoming message to ensure that its number
is greater than the previous message received.
- Physical Replay
- Similar attacks can be used against biometric authentication. A similar attack would involve training the camera
on a picture of the room under surveillance, then replaying a picture while the thief moves undetected throughout
the vault.
- replay attacks can circumvent ordinary identification, authentication, and confidentiality defenses, and thereby
allow the attacker to initiate and carry on an interchange under the guise of the victim. Sequence numbers help
counter replay attacks.
Modification Attacks in General
- general concept of integrity
- precise
- accurate
- unmodified
- modified only in acceptable ways
- modified only by authorized people
- modified only by authorized processes • consistent
- internally consistent
- meaningful and usable
Interruption: Loss of Service
Port Scanning
- Scanning is an inspection activity, and as such it causes no harm itself
- However, scanning is often used as a first step in an attack, a probe, to determine what further attacks might
- security professionals maintain and distribute similar lists, as well as tools to test for vulnerabilities
- Sending an attack against a machine that is not vulnerable is at least time consuming but worse, may even make the
attacker stand out or become visible and identifiable
- An easy way to gather network information is to use a port scanner, a program that, for a particular Internet (IP)
address, reports which ports respond to queries and which of several known vulnerabilities seem to be present.
- A port scan maps the topology and hardware and software components of a network segment.
- Port scanning tells an attacker three things:
- which standard ports or services are running and responding on the target system,
- what operating system is installed on the target system,
- and what applications and versions of applications are present
- It can be obtained quietly, anonymously, without identification or authentication, drawing little or no attention to
the scan.
- an attacker can devise an attack to exploit precisely that vulnerability. Thus, a port scan can be a first step in a
more serious attack.
- Nmap has many options; an outsider can fingerprint owners and users, identify common services running on uncommon
ports, map the connectivity (routes between) machines, or deduce the real kind of unknown device.
- Notice that with only a couple of commands the attacker in the two examples shown learns
- how many hosts there are
- what their IP addresses are
- what their physical (MAC) addresses are
- what brand each is
- what operating system each runs, and what version
- what ports respond to service requests
- what service applications respond, and what program and version they are running
- how long responses took (which reveals speed of various network connections and thus may indicate the design of
the network)
- Harm from Port Scanning
- Network and vulnerability scanners can be used positively for management and administration and negatively for
attack planning.
- Network and vulnerability scanners, of which Nmap is only one example, have two purposes, one good and one bad.
- The good use is by network administrators or system owners who will explore their networks with the tool.
- the bad use of a network scanner is to allow an attacker to learn about a system.
- network administrators should use port scanners themselves to determine how much outsiders can learn of their
Wireless Network Security
- Wireless communication will never be as secure as wired, because the exposed signal is more vulnerable.
- Wireless Communication
- Wireless (and also wired) data communications are implemented through an orderly set of exchanges called a
- The 802.11 Protocol Suite
- The 802.11 protocols all describe how devices communicate in the 2.4 GHz radio signal band (essentially 2.4
GHz–2.5 GHz) allotted to WiFi. T
- a wireless network consists of an access point or router that receives, forwards and transmits data, and one or
more devices, sometimes called stations, such as computers or printers, that communicate with the access point.
- A NIC identifies itself (and hence its connected computer) by a supposedly unique MAC address.
- WiFi Access Range
- Distance is an important consideration with WiFi, but it is hard to state precisely. Wireless signals degrade
because of interference from intervening objects, such as walls, machinery, and trees, as well as distance; a
receiver will not establish, or may drop, a connection with a poor signal, one that is weak or has lost a lot of
- WiFi Frames
Vulnerabilities in Wireless Networks
- Confidentiality
- data values themselves are the most sensitive
- the duration or volume of communication may also be sensitive
- whether web page access, peer-to-peer networking, email, or network management, can also be confidential.
- he mode in which two units communicate—encrypted or not and if encrypted, by what algorithm—is potentially
- Integrity
- WiFi radio receivers that receive two signals prefer the stronger one. So if a rogue access point intercepts a
signal from a client and sends a strong signal back, appearing to come from the server’s access point, the rogue
may be able to commandeer the communications stream.
- Availability
- Availability involves three potential problems.
- First, the most obvious, occurs when a component of a wireless communication stops working because hardware
fails, power is lost, or some other catastrophe strikes.
- A second problem of availability is loss of some but not all access, typically manifested as slow or degraded
service. Service can be slow because of interference, for example, if tree leaves in a wind interfere with
frame transmission, so the receiving end recognizes loss of some data and must request and wait for
- Service can also be slow if the demand for service exceeds the capacity of the receiving end, so either
some service requests are dropped or the receiver handles all requests slowly.
- third problem: the possibility of rogue network connection. Some WiFi access points are known as public hot
spots and are intentionally available to anyone who wants to connect.
- Free does not necessarily imply secure
- In this case, although service is available, the security of that service may be limited.
- Unauthorized WiFi Access
- WiFi protocols that access basically involves three steps:
- The access point broadcasts its availability by sending a beacon, an invitation for devices to connect with
- A device’s NIC responds with a request to authenticate, which the access point accepts.
- The device’s NIC requests establishment of an association, which the access point negotiates and accepts.
- threats at each of these points.
- In step 1, anyone can pick up and reply to a broadcast beacon.
- In step 2, the authentication is not rigorous; in basic WiFi mode the access point accepts any device, without
- In step 3, any access point can accept an association with any device.
- WiFi Protocol Weaknesses
- Picking Up the Beacon
- SSID in All Frames
- Broadcasting the desired SSID in closed mode reveals the identity of a sought-after access point.
- Worse, in both closed and open modes, even after the initial handshake, all subsequent management and data frames
contain this same SSID, so sniffing any one of these frames reveals the SSID.
- Thus, anyone who sniffs the SSID can save the SSID (which is seldom changed in practice) to use later. A snooper
can reasonably guess that the client will attempt to connect to this same access point again.
- Thus, the rogue has the information needed to imitate either the client or the access point in the future.
- Authentication in Wireless Networks
- authentication in step 2 could be accomplished by accepting only devices on the positive accept list.
- Changeable MAC Addresses
- An operating system can send any address as if it were the MAC address of a NIC.
- Changing the NIC’s MAC address not only undermines MAC-based authentication on an access point, it can lead to a
larger attack called MAC spoofing, in which one device impersonates another, thereby assuming another device’s
communication session.
- Stealing the Association
- Unfortunately, if a rogue process has intercepted an SSID and spoofed a MAC address, the two best points of access
control have been lost.
- In fact, some access point hardware and firmware is known to be flawed and will accept any association it can
receive [AND04a]. These are known as promiscuous access points.
- Preferred Associations
- To simplify connecting, the wireless interface software builds a list of favorite connection points (home, school,
office) to which it will try to connect automatically.
Failed Countermeasure: WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy)
- Wired equivalent privacy, or WEP, was intended as a way for wireless communication to provide privacy equivalent to
conventional wire communications.
- Weaknesses in WEP were identified as early as 2001, and the weaknesses are now so severe that a WEP connection can be
cracked with available software in a few minutes
- WEP Security Weaknesses
- The WEP protocol was meant to provide users immunity to eavesdropping and impersonation attacks, which, at the
time, were not a serious threat
- WEP uses an encryption key shared between the client and the access point. To authenticate a user, the access
point sends a random number to the client, which the client encrypts using the shared key and returns to the
access point.
- Weak Encryption Key
- First, the WEP standard allows either a 64- or 128-bit encryption key, but each key begins with a 24-bit
initialization vector (IV), which has the effect of reducing the key length to 40 or 104 bits.
- Static Key
- The WEP encryption key is shared between sender and receiver
- the same encryption key tends to be used for a long time.
- Weak Encryption Process
- Even if the key is strong, it really has an effective length of only 40 or 104 bits because of the way it is used
in the algorithm. A brute-force attack against a 40-bit key succeeds quickly.
- Weak Encryption Algorithm
- The third problem with WEP is the way it performs encryption
- Initialization Vector Collisions
- A final encryption problem with WEP concerns the initialization vector, which becomes the first 24 bits of the
encryption key can predictible
- Faulty Integrity Check
- As if encryption problems were not enough, WEP was not designed for strong integrity.
- The integrity check uses a well-known algorithm.
- No Authentication
- WEP uses short, infrequently changed encryption keys, it requires no authentication, and its integrity is easily
Stronger Protocol Suite: WPA (WiFi Protected Access)
- The alternative to WEP is WiFi Protected Access or WPA, designed in 2003.
- Strictly speaking, there is a difference between these: WPA was the original replacement for WEP; WPA2 goes
beyond WPA by requiring support for the strong AES encryption algorithm. Furthermore, to use the trademarked
“WiFi Certified” designation, a device must be certified by the WiFi alliance. In practice, all WiFi devices sold
now meet the WPA2 standard. In this book we follow common usage and use WPA to refer to both the WPA and WPA2
- Strengths of WPA over WEP
- Non-Static Encryption Key
- WPA has a key change approach, called Temporal Key Integrity Program (TKIP), by which the encryption key is
changed automatically on each packet.
- WPA also uses a hierarchy of keys to establish a new key for each session. These keys permit the access point (
called the authenticator) and the connecting device (called the supplicant) to create and exchange keys for
confidentiality and integrity that are unique to the association session.
- Authentication
- WPA employs the extensible authentication protocol (EAP) by which authentication can be done by password, token,
certificate, or other mechanism.
- Strong Encryption
- WPA2 adds AES as a possible encryption algorithm (although RC4 is also still supported for compatibility).
- Integrity Protection
- WPA includes a 64-bit integrity check that is encrypted.
- Session Initiation
- WPA fixes many shortcomings of WEP by using stronger encryption; longer, changing keys; and secure integrity
- Setup for WPA involves three protocol steps: authentication, a four-way handshake (to ensure that the client can
generate cryptographic keys and to generate and install keys for both encryption and integrity on both ends), and
an optional group key handshake (for multicast communication).
Attacks on WPA
- Man-in-the-Middle
- it is exploited when a clever attacker can intrude in a legitimate conversation, intercepting and perhaps changing
both sides, in order to surreptitiously obtain or modify protected data.
- Incomplete Authentication
- At one point the supplicant (client) is required to authenticate to the access point, but the supplicant has no
basis for assurance that the access point is legitimate, that is, that a malicious party is not sending signals
pretending to be an access point. Thus, the supplicant can be forced to reveal authentication data to an
unauthorized third party.
- Exhaustive Key Search
- the key management of WPA has come under scrutiny. WPA uses a 256-bit base key, which seems long enough to be
Denial of Service
- The source of a denial-of-service attack is typically difficult or impossible to determine with certainty.
- Denial of service is devastating to a commercial firm that depends on computing for customer interaction, as well as
back-end functions like inventory management and scheduling.
- The source of such attacks is often unclear, because determining where the traffic was routed from most recently is
not the same as identifying the original source of the attack.
- A denial-of-service, or DoS, attack is an attempt to defeat availability, the third of the three basic properties to
be preserved in computer security.
- DDOS means a user is denied access to authorized services or data. Confidentiality and integrity are concerned with
preventing unauthorized access; availability is concerned with preserving authorized access.
- Confidentiality and integrity tend to be binary: Data or objects either are or are not kept private and unmodified;
availability can be more nuanced, in that there may be service but in insufficient quantity or at unacceptable
How Service Is Denied
- how you might deny access in a computer network.
- One potential weakness is the capacity of the system. If demand is higher than the system can handle, some data
will not move properly through the network. These attacks are also known as volume-based or volumetric attacks.
- Similarly to overwhelming basic network capacity, an attack can exhaust the application that services a particular
network, in what is called an application- based attack.
- Another way to deny service is to cut or disable the communications link between two points. Many users will be
unable to receive service, especially if that link is a single point through which much traffic must pass.
- A final cause of denied access is a hardware or software failure.
DOS can occur from excessive volume, a failed application, a severed link, or hardware or software failure.
- Flooding
- An attacker can try for the same overloading effect by presenting commands more quickly than a server can handle
them; servers often queue unmet commands during moments of overload for service when the peak subsides, but if the
commands continue to come too quickly, the server eventually runs out of space to store the demand. Such an attack
is called an overload or flood.
- A denial-of-service flooding attack can be termed volumetric, meaning it simply seeks to saturate or exhaust the
capacity of a critical telecommunications link.
- Blocked Access
- consider a traffic accident that stops traffic in both directions of a busy, two-lane road.
- The attacker could exploit a software vulnerability in an application and cause the application to crash
- Yet another approach would be for the attacker to manipulate access control data, deleting access permissions for
the resource, or to disable the access control mechanism so that nobody could be approved for access
- Access Failure
- If a network works, administrators are tempted to expand it incrementally instead of redesigning it to address
increased usage.
- Furthermore, as in this situation, several causes, no one of which is enough by itself to cause a problem, can
interact in a way that becomes serious.
Flooding Attacks in Detail
- Insufficient Resources
- Flooding a victim is basically an unsophisticated attack, although the means of performing the flooding can become
- Insufficient Capacity
- If the attacker’s bandwidth is greater than that of the victim, the attacker can overwhelm the victim with the
- Flooding occurs because the incoming bandwidth is insufficient or resources—hardware devices, computing power,
software, or table capacity —are inadequate.
Network Flooding Caused by Malicious Code
- Echo–Chargen
- The echo–chargen attack works between two hosts. Chargen is an ICMP protocol that generates a stream of packets to
test the network’s capacity. Echo is another ICMP protocol used for testing; a host receiving an echo returns
everything it receives to the sender.
- The attacker picks two victims, A and B, and then sets up a chargen process on host A that generates its packets
as echo packets with a destination of host B. Thus, A floods B with echo packets. But because these packets
request the recipient to echo them back to the sender, host B replies by returning them to host A. As shown in
image, this series puts the network infrastructures of A and B into an endless loop, as A generates a string of
echoes that B dutifully returns to A, just as in a game of tennis. Alternatively, the attacker can make B both the
source and destination address of the first packet, so B hangs in a loop, constantly creating and replying to its
own messages.
- SYN Flood
- This attack uses the TCP protocol suite, making the session-oriented nature of these protocols work against the
- Attackers using this approach usually do one more thing: They spoof a nonexistent return address in the initial
SYN packet. Why? For two reasons. First, the attacker does not want to disclose the real source address in case
someone should inspect the packets in the SYN_RECV queue to try to identify the attacker. Second, the attacker
wants to make the malicious SYN packets indistinguishable from legitimate SYN packets to establish real
connections. Choosing a different (spoofed) source address for each one makes them unique, as ordinary traffic
would be. A SYN–ACK packet to a nonexistent address results in an ICMP Destination Unreachable response, but this
is not the ACK for which the TCP connection is waiting. (TCP and ICMP are different protocol suites, so an ICMP
reply does not necessarily get back to the sender’s TCP handler.)
- Network Flooding by Resource Exhaustion
- Switching from one application to another, called context switching, requires time and memory because the current
state of the application is saved and the previous state of the next application is reloaded.
- If there are few active processes and few context switches, the overhead for each switch is negligible, but as the
number of active processes increases, the proportion of time spent in context switching also grows, which means
the proportion of time for actual computing decreases. With too many processes, a system can enter a state called
thrashing, in which its performance fails because of nearly continuous context switching.
- IP Fragmentation: Teardrop
- The teardrop attack misuses a feature ironically intended to improve network communication.
- in the teardrop attack, the attacker sends a series of datagrams that cannot fit together properly. One datagram
might say it is position 0 for length 60 bytes, another position 30 for 90 bytes, and another position 41 for 173
bytes. These three pieces overlap, so they cannot be reassembled properly. In an extreme case, the operating
system locks up with these partial data units it cannot reassemble, thus leading to denial of service.
Denial of Service by Addressing Failures
- another way the attacker can deny service is by preventing access, physically or logically.
- DNS Spoofing
- At the heart of Internet addressing is a protocol called DNS or Domain Name System protocol. DNS is the database
of translations of Internet names to addresses, and the DNS protocol resolves the name to an address. For
efficiency, a DNS server builds a cache of recently used domain names; with an attack called DNS poisoning,
attackers try to insert inaccurate entries into that cache so that future requests are redirected to an address
the attacker has chosen.
- DNS service is implemented on a remote server, so a man-in-the-middle attack involves the attacker’s intercepting
and replying to a query before the real DNS server can respond. Such a situation, called DNS spoofing, is
- Any server can respond to a DNS lookup request; the first responder wins. Being first lets an attacker redirect
- Rerouting Routing
- One example of a man-in-the-middle attack involves one node’s redirecting a network so that all traffic flows
through the attacking node, leading to a potential for interception. Network routers are a loose confederation of
mutually trusting components that arrange for delivery of all data through a network, including the Internet.
- Each router sends a message to other routers, listing addresses to which it has a path; the other routers then add
their paths and forward the extended list to the other routers as well. In this way, all routers learn of the
connections of other routers.
- Routers operate on implicit trust; what a router reports is believed to be true. Routers do, however, sometimes
malfunction or their administrators enter inaccurate data, so routing tables can become corrupted from
nonmalicious (and malicious) causes.
- Router Takes Over a Network
- Routers communicate available paths by the BGP (Border Gateway) protocol, which is complex, so attacks against it
are sophisticated but certainly feasible.
- Source Routing and Address Spoofing
- Internet traffic usually travels by the best available route; that is, each router determines the best next path (
called the next hop) to which to direct a data unit. However, a sender, using a process called source routing, can
specify some or all of the intermediate points by which a data unit is transferred. With strict source routing,
the complete path from source to destination is specified; with loose source routing, certain (some or all)
required intermediate points are specified.
- One use of source routing is to test or troubleshoot routers by forcing traffic to follow a specific path that an
engineer can then trace. A more vicious use of source routing is to force data to flow through a malicious router
or network link. Obviously, adding source routing to a data stream allows the man in the middle to force traffic
to flow through his router. Because of its potential for misuse, loose source routing is blocked by many Internet
Traffic Redirection
Routers are aware only of the routers with which they share a direct network connection, and they use gateway
protocols to share information about their capabilities. Each router advises its neighbors about how well it can reach
other network addresses. This characteristic allows an attacker to disrupt the network.
outers trust each other to provide accurate data. Occasionally, due to nonmalicious corruption a router will send
faulty data, but these sporadic failures have localized effect and heal themselves over time thanks to network
reliability. However, an intentionally misleading router (or a device maliciously impersonating a router) can persist
because of implicit trust. As you know, a standard countermeasure to exclude impostors is identification and
authentication. But for efficiency, router communication protocols were designed without authentication. Only now are
authenticating steps being added to router protocols.
DNS Attacks
Physical Disconnection
- A broken cable, faulty circuit board, or malfunctioning switch or router can cause a denial of service just as harmful
as a hacker attack.
- Transmission Failure:
- A break in the single communications line to your computer (for example, from the network to your network
interface card or the telephone line to your modem) can be fixed only by establishment of an alternative link or
repair of the damaged one.
- Component Failure:
- Components, for example, routers, circuit boards, firewalls, monitoring devices, storage devices, and switches,
fail for unidentified reasons.
- Denial-of-service attacks pit one adversary against one target; a well- resourced target can usually outlast a
less equipped attacker.
Distributed Denial-of-Service
- Distributed denial-of-service attacks change the balance between adversary and victim by marshalling many forces on
the attack side.
- To mount a distributed denial-of-service (or DDoS) attack, an attacker does two things, as illustrated in below. In
the first stage, the attacker wants to conscript an army of compromised machines to attack a victim. Using any
convenient attack (such as exploiting a buffer overflow or tricking the user to open and install unknown code from an
email attachment), the mastermind plants a Trojan horse on a remote machine. That Trojan horse does not necessarily
cause any obvious harm to the infected machine; in fact, the machine needs to remain healthy (and infected) so it can
participate in the attack against the real victim. The foreign code file may be named for a popular editor or utility,
bound to a standard operating system service, or entered into the list of processes (daemons) activated at startup.
- The attacker repeats this process with many target computers. Each of these compromised systems then becomes what is
known as a zombie. The target systems’ users carry out their normal work, unaware of the resident zombie. Many current
vulnerability attacks download code to the compromised machine to turn it into a zombie.
Scripted Denial-of-Service Attacks
- Given a collection of denial-of-service attacks and a propagation method, one can easily write a procedure to plant a
Trojan horse that can launch any or all of the denial-of-service attacks
- Compromised zombies to augment an attack are located by scanning random computers for unpatched vulnerabilities.
- Zombies ( or bots, hackerese for robots) are machines running pieces of malicious code under remote control.
- Botnets, networks of bots, are used for massive denial-of-service attacks, implemented from many sites working in
parallel against a victim.
- Botnet Command and Control Update:
- a network of bots requires a command hierarchy; the bots require officers to tell them when to attack, against
whom, and with what weapon. The bot headquarters is called a command-and-control center.
- A botnet command-and-control center instructs specific machines to target a particular victim at a given time and
- Command-and-control centers control the individual bots, telling them when to start and stop an attack against
which victim. Communication from the command-and-control center to the bots can be either pushed, with the center
sending instructions to the bots, or pulled, with each bot responsible for periodically calling home to a
controller to determine if there is work to do.
- Rent-A-Bot:
- Botnet operators make money by renting compromised hosts for DDoS or other activity. The rent is mostly profit.
- People who infect machines to turn them into bots are called botmasters. A botmaster may own (in the sense of
control) hundreds or thousands of bots.
- to bring in a little income, botmasters also sometimes rent out their botnets to others.
- Opt-In Botnets:
- there are now postings for affinity groups to join together in protest. You download and install an attack script
and show up at 11:00 am (GMT) Tuesday to protest by pointing your attacking computer at Join in when you
want, drop out when you (or your computer) are tired. Join the movement
Malicious Autonomous Mobile Agents
Bots belong to a class of code known more generally as malicious autonomous mobile agents. Working largely on their
own, these programs can infect computers anywhere they can access, causing denial of service as well as other kinds of
harm. Of course, code does not develop, appear, or mutate on its own; there has to be a developer involved initially
to set up the process and, usually, to establish a scheme for updates. Such an agent is sometimes called an
inoculation agent.
- Autonomous Mobile Protective Agents:
- Coping with DDoS Attacks:
- Bots are co-opted by an agent who exploits a vulnerability, typically one already known. Vulnerable machines can
be discovered by scanning.
- Most bots are conscripted using well-known vulnerabilities, for which patches have been distributed for some time.
Thus, if the entire world would just install patches in a timely manner, the DDoS threat would diminish.
Cryptography in Network Security
- symmetric (secret key) and asymmetric (public key) systems.
Network Encryption
Browser Encryption
- SSH Encryption:
- SSH (secure shell) is a pair of protocols (versions 1 and 2) originally defined for Unix but now available under
most operating systems. SSH provides an authenticated and encrypted path to the shell or operating system command
- SSH protects against spoofing attacks and modification of data in communication.
- The SSH protocol involves negotiation between local and remote sites for encryption algorithm (for example, DES or
AES) and authentication (including public key and Kerberos).
- SSL and TLS Encryption:
- SSL encryption covers communication between a browser and the remote web host.
- The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol was originally designed by Netscape in the mid-1990s to protect
communication between a web browser and server.
- In the OSI network model, applications run at the highest (farthest from electrical signals) level, called level
7, and SSL is implemented at level 4, above network addressing (level 3) and physical media (level 1).
- Cipher Suite:
- Client and server negotiate encryption algorithms, called the cipher suite, for authentication, session
encryption, and hashing.
- When client and server begin an SSL session, the server sends a set of records listing the cipher suite
identifiers it can use; the client responds with its preferred selection from that set.
- SSL Session:
- SSL encryption protects only from the browser to the destination decryption point. Vulnerabilities before
encryption or after decryption are unaffected.
- To use SSL, the client requests an SSL session. The server responds with its public key certificate so that the
client can determine the authenticity of the server. The client returns a symmetric session key encrypted under
the server’s public key.
- The chain of certificates and signers is important because of the potential for unscrupulous CAs
- If an attacker wanted to establish a fake banking site, for example, getting an unscrupulous CA to issue a
certificate for SSL would add to the site’s apparent credibility without necessarily providing security.
- Below you can see that the DigiCert root certificate was issued by GTE CyberTrust Solutions. Other fields include
period of validity, algorithms used, date of issuance, and contact details. Thus, an interested user could compare
the full chain of certificates and signatures starting from a trusted root.
Onion Routing
- Tor—onion routing—prevents an eavesdropper from learning source, destination, or content of data in transit in a
- Paul Syverson and colleagues [SYV97] introduced the concept of onion routing. That model uses a collection of
forwarding hosts, each of whom knows only from where a communication was received and to where to send it next. Thus,
to send untraceable data from A to B, A picks some number of forwarding hosts, call them X, Y, and Z. A begins by
encrypting the communication under B’s public key. A then appends a header from Z to B, and encrypts the result under
Z’s public key. A then puts a header on that from Y to Z and encrypts that under Y’s public key. A then puts a header
on that communication from X to Y and encrypts that under X’s public key. Finally, A puts on a header to send the
package to X.
IP Security Protocol Suite (IPsec)
- IPsec implements encryption and authentication in the Internet protocols.
- As a part of the IPv6 suite, the IP security protocol suite, or IPsec, was adopted by the IETF. Designed to address
fundamental shortcomings such as being subject to spoofing, eavesdropping, and session hijacking, the IPsec protocol
defines a standard means for handling encrypted data. IPsec is implemented at the IP layer (3), so it protects data
produced in all layers above it, in particular, TCP and UDP control information, as well as the application data.
Therefore, IPsec requires no change to the existing large number of TCP and UDP protocols or applications.
IPsec is somewhat similar to SSL, in that it supports authentication and confidentiality in a way that does not
necessitate significant change either above it (in applications) or below it (in the TCP protocols). Like SSL, it was
designed to be independent of specific cryptographic algorithms and to allow the two communicating parties to agree on
a mutually supported set of protocols.
- IPsec Security Association:
- IPsec is what is called a security association, which is essentially the set of security parameters for a secured
communication channel.
- A security association includes
- • encryption algorithm and mode (for example, AES)
- • encryption key
- • encryption parameters, such as the initialization vector
- • authentication protocol and key
- • life span of the association, to permit long-running sessions to select a new cryptographic key as often as
- • address of the opposite end of association
- • sensitivity level of protected data (usable for classified data )
- Headers and Data:
- IPsec encapsulated security payload contains descriptors to tell a recipient how to interpret encrypted content.
- The fundamental data structures of IPsec are the authentication header (AH) and the encapsulated security
payload (ESP). The ESP replaces (includes) the conventional TCP header and data portion of a packet,
- The ESP contains both an authenticated portion and an encrypted portion,
- Key Management:
- As with most cryptographic applications, the critical element is key management. IPsec addresses this need with
the Internet Security Association Key Management Protocol, or ISAKMP. Like SSL, ISAKMP requires that a distinct
key be generated for each security association.
- In IPsec, ISAKMP is implemented through the ISAKMP key exchange, or IKE, which provides a way to agree on and
manage protocols, algorithms, and keys.
- Modes of Operation:
- IPsec can enforce either or both of confidentiality and authenticity. Confidentiality is achieved with symmetric
encryption, and authenticity is obtained with an asymmetric algorithm for signing with a private key.
Additionally, a hash function guards against modification.
- In transport mode (normal operation), the IP address header is unencrypted. In tunnel mode, the recipient’s
address is concealed by encryption, and IPsec substitutes the address of a remote device, such as a firewall, that
will receive the transmission and remove the IPsec encryption.
Virtual Private Networks
- A virtual private network simulates the security of a dedicated, protected communication line on a shared network.
- Link encryption can give a network’s users the sense that they are on a private network, even when it is part of a
public network. Furthermore, applied at the link level, the encrypting and decrypting are invisible to users. For this
reason, the approach is called a virtual private network (or VPN).
- The alternative is a virtual private network between the offices.
- Firewalls (described in the next section) can implement a VPN. When a user first establishes a communication with the
firewall, the user can request a VPN session with the firewall.
System Architecture
- Protected subnetworks can separate departments, projects, clients, areas —any subgroup requiring controlled access to
data or communication.
- If you are trying to limit the information a port scan reveals about a network and its hosts and services, the natural
approach is to segment the network, with many hosts on segments that are not immediately visible to the outside.
- network, whereas in Figure 6-50(b) only computer A is visible. The network of devices B– E in part (b) is known as a
protected subnet, and device A is called a dual-homed gateway.
- First, host A becomes a single point of failure: If gateway A is not available for any reason
- Furthermore, the gateway device A becomes a potential bottleneck, so devices B through E share access through A; if A
is slow or if one of B–E consumes a large amount of network bandwidth, the other machines’ performance suffers.
- A firewall is a computer traffic cop that permits or blocks data flow between two parts of a network architecture. It
is the only link between parts.
- A firewall is a device that filters all traffic between a protected or “inside” network and a less trustworthy or
“outside” network. Usually a firewall runs on a dedicated device; because it is a single point through which traffic
is channeled, performance is important, which means that only firewall functions should run on the firewall machine.
- Firewalls enforce predetermined rules governing what traffic can flow.
- two schools of thought as “that which is not expressly forbidden is permitted” (default permit) and “that which is not
expressly permitted is forbidden” (default deny).
Design of Firewalls:
- Policy:
- A firewall implements a security policy, that is, a set of rules that determine what traffic can or cannot pass
through the firewall
- Trust:
- A firewall is a reference monitor, positioned to monitor all traffic, not accessible to outside attacks, and
implementing only access control.
- A firewall is a special form of reference monitor.
- monitor has three characteristics:
- • always invoked
- • tamperproof
- • small and simple enough for rigorous analysis
Types of Firewalls
- Network Technology Background:
- Types of firewalls include
- • packet filtering gateways or screening routers
- • stateful inspection firewalls
- • application-level gateways, also known as proxies • circuit-level gateways
- • guards
- • personal firewalls
- Packet Filtering Gateway:
- A packet filtering gateway or screening router is the simplest, and in some situations, the most effective type of
firewall. A packet filtering gateway controls access on the basis of packet address (source or destination) or
specific transport protocol type (such as HTTP web traffic), that is, by examining the control information of each
single packet.
- Packet filters—screening routers—limit traffic based on packet header data: addresses and ports on packets
- Packet filters do not “see inside” a packet; they block or accept packets solely on the basis of the IP addresses
and ports.
- The primary disadvantage of packet filtering routers is a combination of simplicity and complexity. The router’s
inspection is simplistic; to perform sophisticated filtering, the rules set needs to be very detailed. A detailed
rules set will be complex and therefore prone to error.
- Stateful Inspection Firewall:
- Stateful inspection firewalls judge according to information from multiple packets.
- A stateful inspection firewall maintains state information from one packet to another in the input stream.
- Application Proxy:
- An application proxy simulates the behavior of a protected application on the inside network, allowing in only
safe data.
- An application proxy gateway, also called a bastion host, is a firewall that simulates the (proper) effects of an
application at level 7 so that the application receives only requests to act properly.
- The proxies on the firewall can be tailored to specific requirements, such as logging details about accesses.
- The proxy can demand strong authentication (name, password, and challenge– response), validate the
challenge–response itself, and then pass on only simple name and password authentication details in the form
required by a specific internal host’s operating system.
- Circuit-Level Gateway:
- A circuit-level gateway connects two separate subnetworks as if they were one contiguous unit.
- A circuit-level gateway is a firewall that essentially allows one network to be an extension of another. It
operates at OSI level 5, the session level, and it functions as a virtual gateway between two networks. A circuit
is a logical connection that is maintained for a period of time, then torn down or disconnected. The firewall
verifies the circuit when it is first created. After the circuit has been verified, subsequent data transferred
over the circuit are not checked. Circuit-level gateways can limit which connections can be made through the
- Guard:
- A guard is a sophisticated firewall.
- A guard can implement any programmable set of conditions, even if the program conditions become highly
- The guard determines what services to perform on the user’s behalf in accordance with its available information,
such as whatever it can reliably ascertain of the (outside) user’s identity, previous interactions, and so forth
- Personal Firewalls:
- A personal firewall is a program that runs on a single host to monitor and control traffic to that host. It can
only work in conjunction with support from the operating system.
- Firewalls typically protect a (sub)network of multiple hosts
- A personal firewall is an application program that runs on the workstation it protects.
Comparison of Firewall Types
Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems
- An intrusion detection system (IDS) is a device, typically another separate computer, that monitors activity to
identify malicious or suspicious events.
- IDSs likewise have a response function. In many cases the response is to alert a human team that will then decide what
further action is warranted. Sometimes, however, the IDS goes into protection mode to isolate a suspected intruder and
constrain access. Such a system is called an Intrusion Protection System (IPS). We describe both IDS and IPS
technology in this section.
- The components in the figure are the four basic elements of an intrusion detection system, based on the Common
Intrusion Detection Framework of [STA96]. An IDS receives raw inputs from sensors. It saves those inputs, analyzes
them, and takes some controlling action.
- DSs perform a variety of functions:
- • monitoring users and system activity
- • auditing system configuration for vulnerabilities and misconfigurations • assessing the integrity of critical
system and data files
- • recognizing known attack patterns in system activity
- • identifying abnormal activity through statistical analysis
- • managing audit trails and highlighting user violation of policy or normal activity
- • correcting system configuration errors
- • installing and operating traps to record information about intruders
Types of IDSs
- Signature-based IDSs look for patterns; heuristic ones learn characteristics of unacceptable behavior over time.
- The two general types of intrusion detection systems are signature based and heuristic.
- Signature-based intrusion detection systems perform simple pattern-matching and report situations that match a
pattern (signature) corresponding to a known attack type.
- Heuristic intrusion detection systems, also known as anomaly based, build a model of acceptable behavior and flag
exceptions to that model; for the future, the administrator can mark a flagged behavior as acceptable so that the
heuristic IDS will now treat that previously unclassified behavior as acceptable.
- Thus, heuristic intrusion detection systems are said to learn what constitute anomalies or improper behavior. This
learning occurs as an artificial intelligence component of the tool, the inference engine, identifies pieces of
attacks and rates the degree to which these pieces are associated with malicious behavior.
Intrusion detection devices can be network based or host based. A network-based IDS is a stand-alone device attached
to the network to monitor traffic throughout that network; a host-based IDS runs on a single workstation or client or
host, to protect that one host.
- Signature-Based Intrusion Detection:
- Signature-based IDSs are limited to known patterns.
- The problem with signature-based detection is the signatures themselves. An attacker will try to modify a basic
attack in such a way that it will not match the known signature of that attack.
- Heuristic Intrusion Detection:
- Heuristic intrusion detection infers attacks by tracking suspicious activity.
- heuristic intrusion detection looks for behavior that is out of the ordinary. The original work in this area (for
example, [TEN90]) focused on the individual, trying to find characteristics of that person that might be helpful
in understanding normal and abnormal behavior.
- Inference engines work in two ways. Some, called state-based intrusion detection systems, see the system going
through changes of overall state or configuration. They try to detect when the system has veered into unsafe
- Alternatively, intrusion detection can work from a model of known bad activity whereby the intrusion detection
system raises an alarm when current activity matches the model to a certain degree. These are called model-based
intrusion detection systems
- To a heuristic intrusion detection system, all activity is classified in one of three categories: good/benign,
suspicious, or unknown.
Stateful Protocol Analysis:
- Front End Versus Internal IDSs:
- An IDS can be placed either at the front end of a monitored subnetwork or on the inside. A front-end device
monitors traffic as it enters the network and thus can inspect all packets; it can take as much time as needed to
analyze them, and if it finds something that it classifies as harmful, it can block the packet before the packet
enters the network. A front-end intrusion detection system may be visible on the outside, and thus it may be a
target of attack itself.
- On the other hand, a front-end IDS does not see inside the network, so it cannot identify any attack originating
inside. An internal device monitors activity within the network. If an attacker is sending unremarkable packets to
a compromised internal machine, instructing that machine to initiate a denial-of-service attack against other
hosts on that network, a front-end IDS will not notice that attack. Thus, if one computer begins sending
threatening packets to another internal computer
- Host Based and Network Based:
- A HIDS monitors host traffic; a NIDS analyzes activity across a whole network to detect attacks on any network
- Host-based intrusion detection (called HIDS) protects a single host against attack. It collects and analyzes data
for that one host. The operating system supplies some of that data to the IDS, passing along approved and denied
requests to access sensitive resources, logs of applications run, times and dates of actions and other
security-relevant data
- The goal of a host-based system is to protect one machine and its data. If an intruder disables that IDS, however,
it can no longer protect its host. Being a process on the target computer also exposes the HIDS to the
vulnerability of being detected.
- A network-based IDS or NIDS is generally a separate network appliance that monitors traffic on an entire network.
It receives data from firewalls, operating systems of the connected computers, other sensors such as traffic
volume monitors and load balancers, and administrator actions on the network.
- Protocol-Level Inspection Technology:
Intrusion Prevention Systems
- Intrusion prevention systems extend IDS technology with built-in protective response.
- an intrusion prevention system, or IPS, tries to block or stop harm. In fact, it is an intrusion detection system with
a built-in response capability. The response is not just raising an alarm; the automatic responses include cutting off
a user’s access, rejecting all traffic from address a.b.c.d, or blocking all users’ access to a particular file or
Intrusion Response
- Responding to Alarms:
- In general, responses fall into three major categories (any or all of which can be used in a single response):
- • Monitor, collect data, perhaps increase amount of data collected. • Protect, act to reduce exposure.
- • Signal an alert to other protection components.
- • Call a human.
- Alarm:
- Adaptive Behavior:
- Because of these limitations of humans, an IDS can sometimes be configured to take action to block the attack or
reduce its impact.
- Counterattack:
- A final action that can be taken on a detection of an attack is to mount an offense, to strike back.
Goals for Intrusion Detection Systems:
- An IDS could use some—or all—of the following design approaches:
- Filter on packet headers.
- Filter on packet content.
- Maintain connection state.
- Use complex, multipacket signatures.
- Use minimal number of signatures with maximum effect. • Filter in real time, online.
- Hide its presence.
- Use optimal sliding-time window size to match signatures.
- Stealth Mode:
- Stealth mode IDS prevents the attacker from knowing an alarm has been raised.
- If an attacker succeeded in logging in to a system within the protected network, wouldn’t trying to disable the
IDS be the next step?
- To counter those problems, most IDSs run in stealth mode, whereby an IDS has two network interfaces: one for the
network (or network segment) it is monitoring and the other to generate alerts and perhaps perform other
administrative needs. The IDS uses the monitored interface as input only; it never sends packets out through that
interface. Often, the interface is configured so that the device has no published address through the monitored
interface; that is, no router can route anything directly to that address because the router does not know such a
device exists. It is the perfect passive wiretap. If the IDS needs to generate an alert, it uses only the alarm
interface on a completely separate control network.
IDS Strengths and Limitations
- An IDS that is not well defended is useless. Fortunately, stealth mode IDSs are difficult even to find on an internal
network, let alone to compromise.
- IDSs look for known weaknesses, whether through patterns of known attacks or models of normal behavior. Similar IDSs
may have identical vulnerabilities, and their selectioncriteria may miss similar attacks
- Another IDS limitation is its sensitivity, which is difficult to measure and adjust
- A final limitation is not of IDSs per se, but is one of use. An IDS does not run itself; someone has to monitor its
track record and respond to its alarms
Network Management
Management to Ensure Service
- Capacity Planning:
- One benign cause of denial of service is insufficient capacity: too much data for too little capability. Not
usually viewed as a security issue, capacity planning involves monitoring network traffic load and performance to
determine when to upgrade which aspects.
- Load balancing:
- Network load balancing directs incoming traffic to resources with available capacity.
- A load balancer is an appliance that redirects traffic to different servers while working to ensure that all
servers have roughly equivalent workloads.
- Network Tuning:
- Engineers can install new links, restructure network segments, or upgrade connectivity to ensure good network
performance. Network tuning depends on solid data obtained by monitoring network traffic over time.
- Rate limiting is a countermeasure that reduces the impact of an attack. With rate limiting, the volume of traffic
allowed to a particular address is reduced. Routers can send a quench signal back to another router that is
forwarding traffic; such a signal informs the sending router that the receiving router is overloaded and cannot
keep up, therefore asking the sender to hold up on transmitting data.
- Network Addressing:
- Shunning:
- Shunning and sinkholing are extreme network countermeasures blocking all traffic from or to a specific address.
- With reliable source addresses, network administrators can set edge routers to drop packets engaging in a
denial-of-service attack. This practice, called shunning, essentially filters out all traffic from implicated
addresses. Real-time monitoring that detects an attack determines the addresses from which the attack is coming
and acts quickly to block those addresses. A firewall can implement shunning of a particular address
- Shunning has a downside, however. If an attacker can detect that a site implements shunning, the attacker can send
attack traffic spoofed to appear to be from a legitimate source
- or example; shunning that apparent attack has the negative outcome of denying legitimate traffic from Google
or Facebook.
- Blacklisting and Sinkholing:
- n extreme cases, the network administrator may decide to effectively disconnect the targeted system. The
administrator can blacklist the target address, meaning that no traffic goes to that address, from legitimate or
malicious sources alike. Alternatively, the administrator may redirect traffic to a valid address where the
incoming traffic can be analyzed; this process is called sinkholing.
- All these administrative measures carry potential risks. Network monitoring affects network performance because
intercepting, analyzing, and forwarding traffic takes time and therefore imposes a delay. I
- Network appliances such as firewalls, routers, switches, and load balancers often provide data for people to analyze
and manage the network. Too much information can overwhelm a human network administrator, especially someone whose
security skills are limited. Thus, management countermeasures are more appropriate for networks large or important
enough to have an experienced security staff with adequate resources.
- A Security Operations Center:
- Instead, SiC Groceries will create a Security Operations Center (SOC) at a single location, perhaps their
headquarters. A SOC is a team of security personnel dedicated to monitoring a network for security incidents and
investigating and remediating those incidents.
- To make its SOC effective, SiC Groceries will have to allow the SOC team remote access to monitor all of the
network and security products throughout its enterprise, including all of its stores. The security personnel can
manually log in to every device to check status and look for alerts, but that option does not scale, and it makes
it difficult to identify even simple attack patterns, such as attacks on many stores emanating from the same
source address.
- security information and event management, or SIEM, tools come into play. SIEMs are software systems that collect
security-relevant data from a variety of hardware and software products in order to create a unified security
- Data Collection:
- SIEMs can regularly collect such log files from throughout an enterprise, updating SOC personnel on the company’s
security status every few seconds.
- But SIEMs don’t just collect the information; they can do a lot to help SOC analysts make sense of it. With all of
that security event data in one place, analysts can look for patterns across the enterprise and over time frames
spanning months or even years. Many SIEMs allow analysts to organize data in countless interesting ways.
- SIEM Challenges:
- Cost. A commercial SIEM solution for a large company can cost millions of dollars, but some open-source SIEMs are
- Data portability: Knowledge that you store in the SIEM, such as saved searches or data visualizations, tends to be
SIEM specific and you will likely need to rebuild such knowledge bases when you switch products.
- Log-source compatibility: Depending on the data type and the system that is generating a given set of logs, SIEMs
may require you to install agents or intermediary servers to collect logs. Once you know the logs that are
important to you, you can identify which SIEMs already read those data logs, which could read those logs with a
bit of configuration, and which would require agents.
- Deployment complexity: Because SIEMs can touch thousands of systems in an enterprise, deploying them is generally
a complex undertaking.
- Customization.
- Data storage: SIEMs generally require vast quantities of storage, but the exact amount varies greatly according to
system architecture and activity to be monitored.
- Segregation and access control: SIEMs generally have robust segregation and role-based access control capabilities
that allow administrators to limit users’ access to data and functionality, but mitigating insider risks posed by
security personnel is a perpetual challenge.
- Full-time maintenance. Because they interact with so many different systems, SIEMs are inherently complex, so
deploying, maintaining, and customizing them are expert skills in themselves.
- User training.
Discussion: Port scanning
- The external interface has 4 open TCP ports:
- port 80 - http (non-encrypted web TCP communications come through here)
- port 443 - https (encrypted web TCP (using TLS) communications generally come through here)
- port 139 - This is a NetBIOS service generally used on a local windows based network for facilitating
communications between connected machines.
- port 445 - microsoft-ds - otherwise known as “SMB over IP” (SMB is samba, which is often used to facilitate file
transfer between networks with both linux and windows machines - there are other uses)
- All of these services are potentially vulnerable.
- Vulnerability in ports 80 an 443:
- Assuming the host system is running as a web server which allows external traffic, having ports 80 and 443 is
necessary. This gives access to the same demo applications that are running on the loopback interface (
- If the open ports were intentional (running a web server), then it would be necessary to implement multiple
precautionary measures. Despite any precautions taken, there are massive security issues due to the unfiltered inputs
in the demo web applications. This would allow an external threat agent to run a reverse shell attack on the server (
the virtual machine in this case). One could gain shell/terminal access to the machine relatively easily.
- In order to protect the machine, it would be extremely important to change the vulnerable code on these web sites /
- Port 445 should absolutely not be exposed to external networks (internet, etc). It opens up the potential for hackers
to gain direct access to a machine without the users knowledge. On an internal network, there are natural reasons for
this port to be open (as long as it is correctly configured). At minimum, as Simon Green suggested above, a firewall
should be used to filter all external access to this port (this is still not particularly secure).
- Port 139 is presumably open to support file sharing set up through SAMBA (SMB) - in other words, ports 139 and 445 are
open for the same reasons. As above, this port should not be open to external networks.
- To further protect ports 139 and 445, a VPN could be used to encrypt network traffic and MAC address filtering could
also be used to prevent unknown systems from accessing the network (of course, MAC addresses can still be spoofed). A
multi-pronged security approach would provide the best options.
On top of this, these open ports could also suggest a lot about the network that this system is operating on. For
example - it is likely using both windows and linux boxes, since samba file sharing is in place. Perhaps the system is
connected to an older windows server? Perhaps this system in question is functioning as both an internal SAMBA server
and an external web server (a very, very bad idea!).
14 Most Common Network Protocols And Their Vulnerabilities
- Attack Surface Analysis Cheat Sheet
- While we have a Terminal window open, let’s look at another way of detecting an attack on the system. Once an attacker
has obtained access, they are likely to plant some sort of malware on the system, often by modifying system files to
grant them elevated privileges, or to perform some action whenever the code in those files is executed.
- A relatively simple way to detect alteration of a file is to maintain a database of hash values for each important
system file, and periodically compare hashes of the files on the system to the historic database. If there is a
mismatch, further action is required to determine if the file in question has been modified by an attacker, or as a
result of some innocent activity (like regular operating system patching).
- One fairly popular tool for this purpose is Tripwire (Links to an external site.) [19] which has already been
installed and run with the default configuration on your VM to build an initial database.
- Because it needs elevated privileges to run, we need to preface the tripwire command with sudo (“super-user do”, “run
as root” or “run as administrator” - your account is in the group of users who are allowed to use this to temporarily
acquire higher than normal privileges).
- So, in the Terminal window you should enter
sudo tripwire –check |
more |
- (Note - the “| more” is optional, but it sends the output of Tripwire into a pager program which will display the
results one page a time so you can take your time reading them. Press space to advance to the next page).
- And let it run to completion - it will take a few minutes because it’s checking the whole file system.
- As it runs, do you see any causes for concern?
- Now, let’s modify a program in a way that won’t affect its normal operation, but will add data to the file. We’re
going to add a single byte to the end of the tripwire binary itself:
- sudo sh -c ‘echo “D” » /usr/sbin/tripwire’
- (Be careful about the quotes - if you mix up the single and double quotes you’ll get some unexpected results. And
be sure to use » instead of > or you’ll overwrite the whole file).
- Now, repeat the tripwire check from before and see if anything has changed, particularly in the Unix Filesystem and
following sections.
- (Note: you can restore an unmodified version of Tripwire by using sudo cp /usr/bin/TripWire /usr/sbin/tripwire in
the terminal window).
Main Topics
- By the end of this week, you should be able to:
- Describe some common concepts in encryption
- Identify and break some simple encryption algorithms
- Explain how encryption is used to secure communications and services, and be able to deploy common security tokens
- This week we will be covering the following module learning outcomes:
- (MO1) Identify and analyse major threat types in a variety of systems,
- (MO4) Critically assess the relative merits of specific solution approaches for particular contexts,
- (MO5) Critically discuss leading-edge research in cyber security and the challenges faced.
Sub titles:
- encryption fall into two categories
- Symmetric encryption - where the sender and recipient use the same key to encrypt and decrypt data
- Asymmetric - where the sender and recipient use different, but related, keys to encrypt and decrypt.
- Cryptography conceals data against unauthorized access.
Problems Addressed by Encryption
- Consider the steps involved in sending messages from a sender, S, to a recipient, R.
- If S entrusts the message to T, who then delivers it to R, T then becomes the transmission medium.
- If an outsider, O, wants to access the message (to read, change, or even destroy it), we call O an interceptor or
- Any time after S transmits the message via T, it is vulnerable to exploitation, and O might try to access it in any of
the following ways:
- • block it, by preventing its reaching R, thereby affecting the availability of the message
- • intercept it, by reading or listening to the message, thereby affecting the confidentiality of the message
- • modify it, by seizing the message and changing it in some way, affecting the message’s integrity
- • fabricate an authentic-looking message, arranging for it to be delivered as if it came from S, thereby also
affecting the integrity of the message
- Encryption is the process of encoding a message so that its meaning is not obvious; decryption is the reverse process,
transforming an encrypted message back into its normal, original form.
- A system for encryption and decryption is called a cryptosystem.
- The original form of a message is known as plaintext, and the encrypted form is called ciphertext.
- Ciphertext: encrypted material; plaintext: material in intelligible form
Encryption Keys
- Symmetric encryption: one key encrypts and decrypts.
- Asymmetric encryption: one key encrypts, a different key decrypts.
- A cryptanalyst’s chore is to break an encryption.
- In cryptanalysis there are no rules: Any action is fair play.
- Work Factor:
- Work factor: amount of effort needed to break an encryption (or mount a successful attack)
- The difficulty of breaking an encryption is called its work factor.
- An encryption algorithm is called breakable when, given enough time and data, an analyst can determine the
- consider a 25-character message that is expressed in just uppercase letters. A given cipher scheme may have 2625 (
approximately 1035) possible decipherments, so the task is to select the right one out of 25 10 the 26 . If your
computer could perform on the order of 10 operations per second, finding this decipherment would require on the
order of 1025 seconds, or roughly 1017 years.
- Symmetric and Asymmetric Encryption Systems:
- Symmetry is a major advantage of this type of encryption, but it also leads to a problem:
- only A and B can use that key for their encrypted communications. If A wants to share encrypted communication
with another user C, A and C need a different shared secret key
- a property of symmetric encryption systems is that they require a means of key distribution.
- Stream and Block Ciphers:
- Stream ciphers encrypt one bit or one byte at a time; block ciphers encrypt a fixed number of bits as a single
- The advantage of a stream cipher is that it can be applied immediately to whatever data items are ready to
transmit. But most encryption algorithms involve complex transformations; to do these transformations on one or a
few bits at a time is expensive.
- A block cipher encrypts a group of plaintext symbols as a single block.
- Blocks for such algorithms are typically 64, 128, 256 bits or more.
DES: The Data Encryption Standard
- The Data Encryption Standard (DES) [NBS77], a system developed for the U.S. government, was intended for use by the
general public.
- DES encrypts 64-bit blocks by using a 56-bit key.
- The algorithm begins by encrypting the plaintext as blocks of 64 bits. The key is 64 bits long, but in fact it can
be any 56-bit number. (The extra 8 bits are often used as check digits but do not affect encryption in normal
implementations. Thus we say that DES uses a key, the strength of which is 56 bits.) The user can pick a new key
at will any time there is uncertainty about the security of the old key.
- Double and Triple DES:
- The double encryption works in the following way. Take two keys, k1 and k2, and perform two encryptions, one on
top of the other: E(k2, E(k1,m)).
- wo encryptions with different 56-bit keys are equivalent in work factor to one encryption with a 57-bit key. Thus,
the double encryption adds only a small amount of extra work for the attacker who is trying to infer the key(s)
under which a piece of ciphertext was encrypted
- double DES adds essentially no more security.
- Triple DES:
- The so-called triple DES procedure is C = E(k3, E(k2, E(k1,m))). That is, you encrypt with one key, then with the
second, and finally with a third. This process gives a strength roughly equivalent to a 112-bit key (because the
double DES attack defeats the strength of one of the three keys, but it has no effect on the third key).
- In summary, ordinary DES has a key space of 56 bits, double DES is scarcely better, but two-key triple DES gives
an effective length of 80 bits, and three-key triple DES gives a strength of 112 bits.
- A longer key means significantly more work for this attack to bear fruit, with the work factor doubling for each
additional bit in key length.
- Security of DES:
- even if conventional DES can be attacked, triple DES is still well beyond the power of these attacks.
- et us say, for simplicity, that single-key DES can be broken in one hour. The simple double-key version could then
be broken in two hours. But 280/256 = 224, which is over 16,700,000, meaning it would take 16 million hours,
nearly 2,000 years, to defeat a two-key triple DES encryption, and considerably longer for the three-key version.
AES: Advanced Encryption System
Public Key Cryptography
- The encryption algorithms we have presented so far are called symmetric or secret-key algorithms.
- The two most widely used symmetric algorithms, DES and AES, operate similarly: Two users have copies of the same
- One user uses the algorithm to encrypt some plaintext under the key, and the other user uses an inverse of the
algorithm with the same key to decrypt the ciphertext
- With a public key encryption system, each user has two keys, one of which does not have to be kept secret.
- Although counterintuitive, in fact the public nature of the key does not compromise the secrecy of the system.
- Instead, the basis for public key encryption is to allow the key to be divulged but to keep the decryption
technique secret.
- Public key cryptosystems accomplish this goal by using two keys: one to encrypt and the other to decrypt.
- Although these keys are produced in mathematically related pairs, an outsider is effectively unable to use one key
to derive the other.
- Why should making the key public be desirable?
- With a conventional symmetric key system, each pair of users needs a separate key. But with public key systems,
anyone using a single public key can send a secret message to a user, and the message remains adequately protected
from being read by an interceptor
- Characteristics:
- We can reduce the problem of key proliferation by using a public key approach.
- In a public key or asymmetric encryption system, each user has two keys: a public key and a private key.
- The user may freely publish the public key because each key does only encryption or decryption, but not both. The
keys operate as inverses, meaning that one key undoes the encryption provided by the other key. But deducing one
key from the other is effectively impossible.
- encrypted plaintext using the public key is decrypted by application of the private key; we write the relationship
as P = D(kPRIV, E(kPUB,P))
- That is, a user can decode with a private key what someone else has encrypted with the corresponding public key.
Furthermore, with some public key encryption algorithms, including RSA, we have this relationship:
P = D(kPUB, E(kPRIV,P))
- In other words, a user can encrypt a message with a private key, and the message can be revealed only with the
corresponding public key.
- These two properties tell us that public and private keys can be applied in either order.
- The Rivest–Shamir–Adelman (RSA) Algorithm:
- The Rivest–Shamir–Adelman (RSA) cryptosystem is a public key system.
- because of the nature of the RSA algorithm, the keys can be applied in either order:
- P = E(D(P)) = D(E(P))
- or P = RSA(RSA(P, e), d) = RSA(RSA(P, d), e)
- RSA does have the unfortunate property that the keys are long: 256 bits is considered the minimum usable length,
but in most contexts experts prefer keys on the order of 1000 to 2000 bits.
Public Key Cryptography to Exchange Secret Keys
- Simple Key Exchange Protocol:
- Amy says: Bill, please send me your public key.
- Bill replies: Here, Amy; this is my public key.
- Amy responds: Thanks. I have generated a symmetric key for us to use for this interchange. I am sending you the
symmetric key encrypted under your public key.
- Revised Key Exchange Protocol:
- Error Detecting Codes:
- Error detecting codes come under many names, such as hash codes, message digests, checksums, integrity checks,
error detection and correction codes, and redundancy tests.
- Although these terms have fine differences of meaning, the basic purpose of all is to demonstrate that a block
of data has been modified.
- These problems all arise because the code is a many-to-one function: two or more inputs produce the same output.
Two inputs that produce the same output are called a **
- Parity:
- The simplest error detection code is a parity check. An extra bit, which we call a fingerprint, is added to an
existing group of data bits, depending on their sum.
- Hash Codes:
- Cryptography can be used to seal a file, encasing it so that any change becomes apparent.
- One technique for providing the seal is to compute a function, sometimes called a hash or checksum or
message digest of the file.
- One-Way Hash Functions:
- Functions are much easier to compute than their inverses, are called one-way functions.
- y = x^2 easier than y^1/2 = x
- File Change Detection:
- The one-way property guards against malicious modification: An attacker cannot “undo” the function to see what the
original file was, so there is no simple way to find a set of changes that produce the same function value.
- Tripwire [KIM98] is a utility program that performs integrity checking on files. With Tripwire a system
administrator computes a hash of each file and stores these hash values somewhere secure, typically offline. Later
the administrator reruns Tripwire and compares the new hash values with the earlier ones.
- Cryptographic Checksum:
- A cryptographic checksum is a cryptographic function that produces a checksum.
- It is a digest function using a cryptographic key that is presumably known only to the originator and the
proper recipient of the data.
- The cryptography prevents the attacker from changing the data block (the plaintext) and also changing the
checksum value (the ciphertext) to match.
- The attacker can certainly change the plaintext, but the attacker does not have a key with which to recompute
the checksum.
- Two major uses of cryptographic checksums are code-tamper protection and message-integrity protection in transit.
- Code tamper protection is implemented in the way we just described for detecting changes to files. Similarly,
a checksum on data in communication identifies data that have been changed in transmission, maliciously or
- The U.S. government defined the Secure Hash Standard or Algorithm (SHS or SHA), actually a collection of
algorithms, for computing checksums.
- Signatures:
- The most powerful technique to demonstrate authenticity is a digital signature.
- the signature must convince all who access the file.
- A digital signature often uses asymmetric or public key cryptography.
- As you just saw, a public key protocol is useful for exchange of cryptographic keys between two parties who
have no other basis for trust.
- Unfortunately, the public key cryptographic protocols involve several sequences of messages and replies, which
can be time consuming if either party is not immediately available to reply to the latest request
- Properties of Digital Signatures:
- A digital signature is a protocol that produces the same effect as a real signature:
- It is a mark that only the sender can make but that other people can easily recognize as belonging to the
- Just like a real signature, a digital signature confirms agreement to a message.
- A digital signature has two primary conditions:
- • It must be unforgeable. If person S signs message M with signature Sig(S,M), no one else can produce the
pair [M,Sig(S,M)].
- • It must be authentic. If a person R receives the pair [M, Sig(S,M)] purportedly from S, R can check that the
signature is really from S. Only S could have created this signature, and the signature is firmly attached to
- Digital Signature
- Certificates: Trustable Identities and Public Keys:
- Create signature with Hierarchy
- A public key and user’s identity are bound together in a certificate, which is then signed by someone called a
certificate authority, certifying the accuracy of the binding.
- Create signature without Hierarchy
Symmetric and Asymmetric encryption
- Symmetric encryption is often considered to be less computationally expensive than asymmetric, and thus more
- However it does not necessarily fully solve the problems that encryption helps with. \
- good encryption systems should also provide for :
- Non-repudiation - i.e. provide a guarantee that what is received is what was originally sent - so both parties see
the same data/information.
- Authentication of sender and/or recipient - i.e. provide a guarantee that only the intended sender and/or
recipient could have originated or read the data.
- forgery and impersonation problem can solve by using an asymmetric encryption scheme - either for the whole
transaction, or just for agreement/exchange of the key for a faster symmetric encryption session.
- In asymmetric encryption, each party can generate a pair of related keys. The relationship between these keys is such
- it is (relatively) easy to generate a pair
- It is very difficult to determine one member of the pair from the other
- Data encrypted with one key can only be decrypted with the other - and vice versa
- So, having generated a pair of keys, each party can designate one as a private key - which they will keep secret and
the other as a public key - which they can broadcast to the world
- A message encrypted with someone’s private key can only be decrypted with their public key - thus providing
authentication of the sender.
- A message encrypted with someone’s public key can only be decrypted with their private key - thus ensuring that
only the intended recipient can read it.
- A message encrypted with A’s private key and B’s public key can only have been sent by A and read by B etc. giving
us both authentication and non-repudiation.
- how can we establish the authenticity of published public keys?
- “in-person” exchange,
- “chain of trust” mechanism.
- By designating certain bodies as trustworthy and accepting their keys as genuine called “root authorities” who can
assign trust to other public keys by signing them
- The signature is really nothing more than a hashed value of the new key which is then encrypted with the root
authority’s private key.
- The assigned trust may simply indicate that the signed key can be used for communication of a specified type,
or it may indicate that the signed key can also be used to assign trust to other keys through the same signing
mechanism (delegated trust).
- Various mechanisms exist for doing this, but the most common (used by web servers) is the X.509 certificate
GPG/PGP email encryption
- GPG/PGP is a key generation and management tool.
- “full-generate-key” option to see all options that are possible.
- Gpg will have added your new keys to its keyring file.
- list all the keys that are held there with
gpg -k
- to encrypt and sign files,but one of the more useful is to sign text message for onward transmission
gpg --clearsign
gpg --clearsign mytext.txt
- You should now have a mytext.txt.asc file
- Use
gpg --decrypt mytext.txt.asc
to check the status of the signed text.
- More ingo The GNU Privacy Guard
and The GNU Privacy Handbook
- To produce the signature GPG goes through the following steps:
- Generate a hash of the file. Hashing is a one way function where a given input is transformed to an output by an
algorithm. With a good hashing algorithm it should not be possible to go from the hash back to the input When I
ran through the example mine was hashed using SHA256 (I was unable to determine if it was SHA-2 or SHA-3).
- The hash is then encrypted with the private key of the user signing the file.
- The original text is surrounded by “ASCII armour” and the PGP signature is appended to the bottom of the file.
- To verify a signature GPG goes through the following steps:
- Use the ASCII armour to determine what portion of the file was originally signed.
- Use the same SHA256 algorithm to produce a hash value of the file
- Take the signature appended to the file and decrypt it using the public key of the user believed to have signed
it. This will decrypt the hash value produced at the time the file was signed.
- A comparision of the decrypted hash and the hash value produced in step 2 is done. If they match then the file
hasn’t been tampered with and was signed by the sender. If they do not match two situations could have occured:
- The file was tampered with after it had been signed
- The private key that produced the signature does not match the public key used in the verification process.
This could suggest the person who signed it is not who you expected it to be.
Activity: SSL/TLS certificates
Step 1 : Establish yourself as a certification authority
- Anyone can become a CA, although browsers only automatically accept certificates with a chain of trust leading to a
known trusted root CA.
- All that is required is a CA X.509 certificate.
- This can be created using open source tools such as
- create a new directory “ca-certs” and enter it (
cd ca-certs
- command to generate a new signing key.
openssl genrsa -des3 -out my-ca.key 2048
- (N.B. the 2048 above refers to the number of bits to be used for the key – you can alter this to suit your own
requirements, but 2048 represents a good trade off between processing time and key strength).
- will be prompted for a passphrase. This is a secret used to unlock the encryption key when it is required. you may
use any phrase you wish, providing you can remember it.
- Once the process has completed, you should have a file called my-ca.key in the current directory.
- This contains your CA signing key, encrypted with your passphrase.
- Creating a CA certificate for yourself and sign it with your own key.
openssl req -new -x509 -days 3650 -key my-ca.key -out my-ca.crt
- During this process, you will have to provide the passphrase that you used during key generation and then give
some information about your CA, such as address etc
- To view the contents of you certificate
openssl x509 -in my-ca.crt -text -noout
Step 2 : Creating a server certificate.
- In order to obtain a server certificate, the server needs a signing key which can be used to generate a certificate
- To create a new server key
openssl genrsa -des3 -out myhost.key 1024
- Creates Certificate Signing Request which can be sent to a CA for final certification
openssl req -new -key myhost.key -out myhost.csr
- in this process Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) will ask (i.e localhost.localdomain)
- To sign will localhost’s certificate with your CA’s key and set the lifetime of the certificate.
openssl x509 -req -in myhost.csr -out myhost.crt -sha256 -CA my-ca.crt -CAkey my-ca.key -CAcreateserial -days 3650
- Question: HTTPS includes a provision for certificates to be installed on both client and server side, but the
client is rarely used. Why might it be useful to have client-side certificates, and why do you think most people don’t
use them ? Client-side certificates would provide another layer of authentication to allow a host or server to
identify who a user is. They could also be used as part of two factor authentication to make passwords stronger (this
may be a ‘better’ alternative the present common use of SMS for two-factor authentication which is prone to its own
security issues). From this point, it would seem a good idea but (as often seems to be the case) it causes it’s own
- Answer:
- the difficulty in setting up digital certificates in the first place - people are familiar with use of usernames
and passwords (even if they are not used that securely!) asking people to set up digital certificates may be
beyond many.
- most users login from multiple devices. This would mean that certificates would need to be synced over all of
these devices.
- the effort/cost for hosts to implement checking certificates - at present servers are set up to ask for
authentication in the way of usernames and passwords, to add digital certificate checking would involve some work
on their part when there is no real incentive for them to do so.
Main Topics
- At the end of this week, you should be able to:
- Appreciate and explain the importance of databases in modern information systems
- Identify and describe some common attacks against databases and how to prevent or mitigate them
- Explain how data aggregation can increase threats to security
- This week we will be covering the following module learning outcomes:
- (MO1) Identify and analyse major threat types in a variety of systems,
- (MO4) Critically assess the relative merits of specific solution approaches for particular contexts,
- (MO5) Critically discuss leading edge research in cyber security and the challenges faced.
Sub titles:
- A database is a collection of data and a set of rules that organize the data by specifying certain relationships among
the data.
- A database administrator is a person who defines the rules that organize the data and also controls who should have
access to what parts of the data.
- The user interacts with the database through a program called a database manager or a database management system (
- A database is a collection of tables, each containing records having one or more fields or elements.
- The logical structure of a database is called a schema.
- The name of each column is called an attribute of the database.
- A relation is a set of columns.
- Relations in a database show some connection among data in tables.
- Users interact with database managers through commands to the DBMS that retrieve, modify, add, or delete fields and
records of the database. A command is called a query.
- We can also merge two subschema on a common element by using a join query.
- Databases support controlled, shared access to a single repository of data.
- Advantages of DB:
- • shared access, so that many users can use one common, centralized set of data • controlled access, so that only
authorized users are allowed to view or to modify data values
- • minimal redundancy, so that individual users do not have to collect and maintain their own sets of data
- • data consistency, so that a change to a data value affects all users of the data value
- • data integrity, so that data values are protected against accidental or malicious undesirable changes
Security Requirements of Databases
- list of requirements for database security.
- • Physical database integrity. The data of a database are immune from physical problems, such as power failures,
and someone can reconstruct the database if it is destroyed through a catastrophe.
- • Logical database integrity. The structure of the database is preserved. With logical integrity of a database, a
modification to the value of one field does not affect other fields, for example.
- • Element integrity. The data contained in each element are accurate.
- • Auditability. It is possible to track who or what has accessed (or modified) the elements in the database.
- • Access control. A user is allowed to access only authorized data, and different users can be restricted to
different modes of access (such as read or write).
- • User authentication. Every user is positively identified, both for the audit trail and for permission to access
certain data.
- Availability. Users can access the database in general and all the data for which they are authorized.
- Integrity of the Database:
- Integrity of the database as a whole is the responsibility of the DBMS, the operating system, and the (human)
computing system manage
- Therefore, one way of protecting the database as a whole is to regularly back up all files on the system. These
periodic backups can be adequate controls against catastrophic failure.
- Element Integrity:
- The integrity of database elements is their correctness or accuracy.
- Databases achieve integrity of the database, its structure, and its individual elements.
- This corrective action can be taken in three ways: by field checks, through access control, and with change log.
- First, the DBMS can apply field checks, activities that test for appropriate values in a position. A field
might be required to be numeric, an uppercase letter, or one of a set of acceptable characters. The check
ensures that a value falls within specified bounds or is not greater than the sum of the values in two other
- A second integrity action is afforded by access control.
- The third means of providing database integrity is maintaining a change log for the database. A change log
lists every change made to the database; it contains both original and modified values. Using this log, a
database administrator can undo any changes that were made in error.
- Configuration Management and Access Control:
- The proliferation of versions and releases can be controlled in three primary ways
- • Separate files: A separate file can be kept for each different version or release. For instance, version 1
may exist for machines that store all data in main memory, and version 2 is for machines that must put some
data out to a disk
- • Deltas: One version of the system is deemed the main version, and all other versions are considered to be
variations from the main version. The database keeps track only of the differences, in a file called a delta
file. The delta contains commands that are “applied” to the main version to transform it into the alternative
version. This approach saves storage space but can become unwieldy.
- • Conditional compilation: All versions are handled by a single file, and conditional statements are used to
determine which statements apply under which conditions.
- Auditability:
- For some applications administrators may want to generate an audit record of all access (read or write) to a
database. Such a record can help to maintain the database’s integrity, or at least to discover after the fact who
had affected what values and when.
- A second advantage, as we see later, is that users can access protected data incrementally; that is, no single
access reveals protected data, but a set of sequential accesses viewed together reveals the data, much like
discovering the clues in a detective novel
- Access Control:
- Databases are useful because they centralize the storage and maintenance of data. Limited access is both a
responsibility and a benefit of this centralization.
- Database management systems implement their own access control at a level finer than what an operating system
- User Authentication:
- The DBMS can require rigorous user authentication
- Typically, the DBMS runs as an application program on top of the operating system. This system design means that
there is no trusted path from the DBMS to the operating system, so the DBMS must be suspicious of any data it
receives, including a user identity from the operating system
- Availability:
- Integrity/Confidentiality/Availability:
- Integrity is also a property of the structure of the database (elements in one table correspond one to one with
those of another) and of the relationships of the database (records having the same unique identifier, called a
key, are related). Thus, integrity is a major concern in the design of database management systems
- Confidentiality is likewise a key issue with databases because databases are often used to implement controlled
sharing of sensitive data. Access to data can be direct (you request a record and the database provides it) or
indirect (you request some records and from those results infer or intuit other data
- availability is important because of the shared access motivation underlying database development. However,
availability conflicts with confidentiality. The last sections of the chapter address availability in an
environment in which confidentiality is also important.
Reliability and Integrity
- When software engineers say that software has reliability, they mean that the software runs for very long periods of
time without failing
- Database concerns about reliability and integrity can be viewed from three dimensions:
- • Database integrity: concern that the database as a whole is protected against damage, as from the failure of a
disk drive or the corruption of the master database index. These concerns are addressed by operating system
integrity controls and recovery procedures.
- • Element integrity: concern that the value of a specific data element is written or changed only by authorized
users. Proper access controls protect a database from corruption by unauthorized users.
- • Element accuracy: concern that only correct values are written into the elements of a database. Checks on the
values of elements can help prevent insertion of improper values. Also, constraint conditions can detect incorrect
- Two-Phase Update:
- A serious problem for a database manager is the failure of the computing system in the middle of data
modification. If the data item to be modified was a long field or a record consisting of several attributes, only
some of the new data might have been written to permanent storage. Therefore, the database file would contain
incorrect data that had not been updated.
- Update Technique:
- During the first phase, called the intent phase, the DBMS gathers the resources it needs to perform the
update. It may gather data, create dummy records, open files, lock out other users, and calculate final
answers; in short, it does everything to prepare for the update, but it makes no changes to the database. The
first phase is repeatable an unlimited number of times because it takes no permanent action. If the system
fails during execution of the first phase, no harm is done because all these steps can be restarted and
repeated after the system resumes processing.
- The last event of the first phase, called committing, involves the writing of a commit flag to the database.
The commit flag means that the DBMS has passed the point of no return: After committing, the DBMS begins
making permanent changes.
- If the system fails during the second phase, the database may contain incomplete data, but the system can
repair these data by performing all activities of the second phase. After the second phase has been completed,
the database is again complete.
- When a two-phase commit is used, shadow values are maintained for key data points. A shadow data value is
computed and stored locally during the intent phase, and it is copied to the actual database during the commit
- Once the DBMS begins the commit phase, it writes a COMMIT flag. When this flag is set, the DBMS will not
perform any steps of the intent phase. Intent steps cannot be performed after committing because database
values are modified in the commit phase. Notice, however, that the steps of the commit phase can be repeated
an unlimited number of times, again with no negative effect on the correctness of the values in the database.
- Redundancy/Internal Consistency
- Error Detection and Correction Codes:
- One form of redundancy is error detection and correction codes, such as parity bits, Hamming codes [HAM50],
and cyclic redundancy checks.
- These codes can be applied to single fields, records, or the entire database. Each time a data item is placed
in the database, the appropriate check codes are computed and stored; each time a data item is retrieved, a
similar check code is computed and compared to the stored value.
- Recovery:
- In the event of a failure, the database is reloaded from a backup copy and all later changes are then applied from
the audit log.
- Concurrency/Consistency:
- Database systems are often multiuser systems. Accesses by two users sharing the same database must be constrained
so that neither interferes with the other. Simple locking is done by the DBMS. If two users attempt to read the
same data item, there is no conflict because both obtain the same value.
- Database management systems serve multiple users at once by implementing concurrency and sequencing.
Database Disclosure
Sensitive Data:
- Databases protect sensitive data by controlling direct or indirect access to the data.
- Several factors can make data sensitive.
- • Inherently sensitive. The value itself may be so revealing that it is sensitive. Examples are the locations of
defensive missiles or the median income of barbers in a town with only one barber.
- • From a sensitive source. The source of the data may indicate a need for confidentiality. An example is
information from an informer whose identity would be compromised if the information were disclosed.
- • Declared sensitive. The database administrator or the owner of the data may have declared the data to be
sensitive. Examples are classified military data or the name of the anonymous donor of a piece of art.
- • Part of a sensitive attribute or record. In a database, an entire attribute or record may be classified as
sensitive. Examples are the salary attribute of a personnel database or a record describing a secret space
- • Sensitive in relation to previously disclosed information. Some data become sensitive in the presence of other
data. For example, the longitude coordinate of a secret gold mine reveals little, but the longitude coordinate in
conjunction with the latitude coordinate pinpoints the mine.
Types of Disclosures:
- Exact Data:
- The most serious disclosure is the exact value of a sensitive data item itself. The user may know that sensitive
data are being requested, or the user may request general data without knowing that some of it is sensitive. A
faulty database manager may even deliver sensitive data by accident, without the user’s having requested it.
- Bounds:
- Another exposure is disclosing bounds on a sensitive value, that is, indicating that a sensitive value, y, is
between two values, L and H. Sometimes, by using a narrowing technique not unlike the binary search, the user may
first determine that L ≤ y ≤ H and then see whether L ≤ y ≤ H/2, and so forth, thereby permitting the user to
determine y to any desired precision.
- Sometimes, however, bounds are a useful way to present sensitive data. It is common to release upper and lower
bounds for data without identifying the specific records
- Negative Result:
- Sometimes we can word a query to determine a negative result. That is, we can learn that z is not the value of y.
- if a student does not appear on the honors list, you can infer that the person’s grade point average is below
3.50. This information is not too revealing, however, because the range of grade point averages from 0.0 to 3.49
is rather wide.
- Existence:
- In some cases, the existence of data is itself a sensitive piece of data, regardless of the actual value. For
example, an employer may not want employees to know that their telephone use is being monitored. In this case,
discovering a NUMBER OF PERSONAL TELEPHONE CALLS field in a personnel file would reveal sensitive data.
- Probable Value:
- it may be possible to determine the probability that a certain element has a certain value.
- A database manager can control access by direct queries; disclosure can occur in more subtle ways that are harder
to control.
- From these queries you conclude there is a 25 percent likelihood that the president is a registered Tory.
- Direct Inference:
- Inference is a way to infer or derive sensitive data from nonsensitive data. The inference problem is a subtle
vulnerability in database security.
- Direct Attack:
- In a direct attack, a user tries to determine values of sensitive fields by seeking them directly with queries
that yield few records. The most successful technique is to form a query so specific that it matches exactly one
data item.
- Inference by Arithmetic:
- The indirect attack seeks to infer a final result based on one or more intermediate statistical results. But this
approach requires work outside the database itself. In particular, a statistical attack seeks to use some
apparently anonymous statistical measure to infer individual data
- Sum:
- Count:
- Mean: The arithmetic mean (average) allows exact disclosure if the attacker can manipulate the subject population.
- Median: By a slightly more complicated process, we can determine an individual value from the median, the midpoint
of an ordered list of values.
- Tracker Attacks:
- A tracker attack can fool the database manager into locating the desired data by using additional queries that
produce small results. The tracker adds additional records to be retrieved for two different queries; the two sets
of records cancel each other out, leaving only the statistic or data desired. The approach is to use intelligent
padding of two queries. In other words, instead of trying to identify a unique value, we request n–1 other
values (where there are n values in the database).
- Linear System Vulnerability:
- Inference is difficult to control because it can occur from algebraic calculations beyond the scope of database
management systems.
- A tracker is a specific case of a more general vulnerability. With a little logic, algebra and luck in the
distribution of the database contents, it may be possible to construct an algebraic linear system of equations
that returns results relating to several different sets.
- However, the queries’ equations can be solved for each of the unknown c values, revealing them all.
- To see how,use basic algebra to note that q1 –q2 =c3 +c5,and q3 –q4 =c3 –c5.Then, subtracting these two equations,
we obtain c5 = ((q1 – q2) – (q3 – q4))/2. Once we know c5, we can derive the others.
- Aggregation:
- Related to the inference problem is aggregation, which means building sensitive results from less sensitive
- Addressing the aggregation problem is difficult because it requires the database management system to track what
results each user had already received and conceal any result that would let the user derive a more sensitive
result. Aggregation is especially difficult to counter because it can take place outside the system.
- Recent interest in data mining has raised concern again about aggregation. Data mining is the process of sifting
through multiple databases and correlating multiple data elements to find useful information. Marketing companies
use data mining extensively to find consumers likely to buy a product.
- Aggregation is nearly impossible for a database management system to control because combining the data can occur
outside the system, even by multiple colluding users.
- Analysis on Data:
- Hidden Data Attributes:
- Objects such as pictures, music files, and documents are actually complex data structures having properties or
attributes that add meaning to the data. These properties, called metadata, are not displayed with the picture or
document, but they are not concealed; in fact, numerous applications support selecting, searching, sorting, and
editing based on metadata.
- File Tags:
- If the photo were posted without a narrative description, only people who knew Zane would see the image and know
it was he. But when Zane applies for a job and the company does a web search to find out anything about him, the
photo pops up because his name is in the metadata.
- Geotagging:
- the practice of many cameras and smartphones of tagging each photo they take with the GPS coordinates where the
photo was taken.
- According to the authors, between 1 percent and 5 percent of photos at sites such as Flickr, YouTube, and
Craigslist contain header data that gives the location where the picture was taken. Friedland and Sommer speculate
that these numbers are low only because some photo-editing applications automatically remove or replace the
metadata. These researchers point out the potential for misuse of the data by burglars, kidnappers, or other
- Tracking Devices:
- Cell phones continually search for a nearby tower, RFID tags for transportation or identification can be read by
off-the-shelf devices, and GPS navigation devices both send and receive position data. Although we use these
technologies for good purposes, we need to be aware that they can be used to build a relatively complete trail of
our movements throughout the day
- The problem with metadata is that it is not obvious to the object’s owner, but it is well structured and readily
available to anyone who wants to use it.
- Data tracking can occur with data the user or owner does not even know exist.
Preventing Disclosure: Data Suppression and Modification
- There are no perfect solutions to the inference and aggregation problems. The approaches to controlling it follow the
three paths listed below.
- • Suppress obviously sensitive information. This action can be taken fairly easily. The tendency is to err on the
side of suppression, thereby restricting the usefulness of the database. side of suppression, thereby restricting
the usefulness of the database.
- • Track what the user knows. Although possibly leading to the greatest safe disclosure, this approach is extremely
costly. Information must be maintained on all users, even though most are not trying to obtain sensitive data.
Moreover, this approach seldom takes into account what any two people may know together and cannot address what a
single user can accomplish by using multiple IDs.
- • Disguise the data. Random perturbation and rounding can inhibit statistical attacks that depend on exact values
for logical and algebraic manipulation. The users of the database receive slightly incorrect or possibly
inconsistent results.
- Suppression and concealing are two controls applied to data items. With suppression, sensitive data values are not
forthcoming; the query is rejected without response. With concealing, the answer is close to but not exactly the
actual value.
- Data suppression blocks release of sensitive data; data concealing releases part or an approximation of sensitive
Security Versus Precision
Exercises : SQL
- Exercise: Translate the tracker attack examples into SQL and try them on the database for this section.
- Converts into
- From which we subtract the result of
Complex queries
- Exercise: Table 7.11 cannot be produced by a single query, but if you combine the results of 2 queries you can get all
the data needed to produce it. What are those two queries? (hint - you will need to use the “rollup” SQL keyword of
MySQL - see 12.20.2 GROUP BY Modifiers (Links to an external site.) [24]).
- Table 7.11
- SELECT sex,dorm,count(name) from 7_7 group by sex,dorm with rollup SELECT sex,dorm,count(name) from 7_7 group
by dorm,sex with rollup
- Exercise: Table 7.13 is much easier to produce. How would you do it? (hint, use of GROUP BY is likely to make it
- SELECT sex,drugs,count(name) from 7_7 group by sex,drugs order by sex, drugs
- Exercise: Table 7.14 is much harder, but try it for yourself - you may need to use conditional COUNTIF clauses to get
it to work properly.
SELECT sex, COUNT(IF(drugs=0 OR drugs=1,1,null)) ‘0 or 1’, COUNT(IF(drugs=2 OR drugs=3,1,null)) ‘2 or 3’, FROM 7_7 group_by sex
- The IF statement returns 1 if the condition is met, or null if it is not. COUNT only counts the non-nulls. The
strings are optional (although we’ve set them, we haven’t used them) and can be used to set row headers which can
be returned to the calling code.
- how else might you prevent inferential and statistical attacks?
- There are several approaches that could be used to protect data against statistical attacks:
- Random Data Perturbation - add a certain level of disturbance to the data, so then attackers cannot infer
exact values;
- Concealmentment - hiding and/or protecting sensitive data;
- Providing a random sample for the statistical attack query.
- These are just some of the valid approaches, however, a skilled attacker might find different ways to explore
vulnerabilities, leading database managers to limit the accessibility of the database. Limiting the accessibility
of the database can lead to the availability of data problems, therefore any technique applied should be chosen
with caution.
Cloud storage
- Often known as “somebody else’s computer”, Cloud services are increasingly popular because they offer reductions in
cost by allowing several organisations to share the costs of maintenance through a service provider. However, cloud
doesn’t have to be a service - it is possible to run your own private cloud
Cloud Computing Concepts
Risk Analysis while Moving Cloud
- Identify assets. Moving to a cloud service generally means moving functionality and data. It is important that you
document every function and data type that might move to the cloud service, since it’s easy to lose track and miss
something important.
- Determine vulnerabilities. When considering cloud services, be sure to consider cloud-specific vulnerabilities.
These will generally stem from having to access the system through an Internet connection, sharing hardware and
networks with potential adversaries, and trusting a cloud provider. Be sure to consider the flipside as well: Not
moving to the cloud may mean decreased availability, lower-quality staff that administers systems, and worse patch
- Estimate likelihood of exploitation. Many vulnerabilities will be either more or less difficult to exploit in a
cloud environment, as well as across different cloud service models and providers. Be sure to consider these
differences when weighing your options.
- Compute expected loss. Your expected loss will depend on a variety of factors, including the consequences of
successful attacks and your ability to respond to attacks. Consider how the move to the cloud might influence those
factors: Will a typical cloud provider be able to respond to the attack better than your company could? In the case of
DDoS, for instance, there’s a good chance the answer is yes.
- Survey and select new controls. What matters most in this step is determining what controls the cloud service
would need to have in place for your risk to be adequately managed. These may also be controls that you put in place
to augment a cloud offering. Do your data need to be encrypted? What logging capabilities will you need from the cloud
provider? What about authentication and access control options?
Project savings. A move to cloud services is often justified by cost savings, but sometimes those savings don’t
materialize. A company might estimate that they will save $1M per year on data center costs, but not realize that side
effects of the migration will cost them $1.5M in new security controls. When weighing your options, try to understand
all the costs you can expect to incur.
- Switching Cloud Providers:
- Vendor lock-in inhibits your switching providers.
- Vendor lock-in occurs when customers must continue buying a certain type of product from the same vendor they have
already been using because the upfront cost of migrating to a different vendor’s product line would be
significantly higher than the short-term cost of continuing with the existing vendor.
- Cloud as a Security Control:
- Geographic diversity. If you have only one data center, you have all sorts of localized threats to worry about:
natural disasters, fires, and Internet outages, to name a few.
- Platform diversity. Many of the cyber attacks we discuss in this book are targeted at specific applications, OSs,
or protocols.
- Infrastructure diversity. In addition to the software stack, many other potential points of vulnerability will
likely differ between you and your cloud provider, including hardware, network configuration, security controls,
quality of security staff, IP addresses, and suppliers.
- Security Tools To handle
- • Email filtering. SMTP already routes email to and from servers all over the Internet, so adding an extra hop to
a cloud provider for filtering is very little trouble.
- • DDoS protection. Cloud-based DDoS protection services update your DNS records to insert their servers as proxies
between customers’ outward-facing services and the Internet.
- • Network monitoring. Log analysis and SIEM tools (see section 6.9) have steep processor, memory, and storage
requirements, and require expertise to use effectively. To help companies deal with these issues, some cloud-based
solutions have emerged.
- Data Protection on Cloud
- As with TLS, configuration, particularly your choice of cipher suite, can mean the difference between strong and
weak security. Like TLS, SSH and many VPN products also support certificates, which, in addition to being a strong
form of “something you have” authentication, can offer the added benefit of mutual authentication, allowing the
client and server to authenticate each other.
- Cloud Storage:
- Shared storage involves a threat of access from sharing neighbors.
- data storage perspective, you should think about a number of security-related issues:
- • How sensitive is the data I’ll be storing? D
- • Will I need to share the data with anyone and, if so, what kinds of access controls will I require?
- • Are the data subject to export controls or other regulations?
- Changing cryptographic keys for large amounts of encrypted data is time consuming. A protocol using master and
user keys makes changing efficient in use of time.
- Sharing cryptographic keys with cloud storage providers potentially exposes sensitive data.
Cloud Application Security
- couple of general threats that come up as a result of the cloud computing paradigm:
- • Attacks against shared resources
- • Insecure APIs.
Cloud Identity Management
Federated identity management. FIdM “enables identity information to be developed and shared among several entities
and across trust domains…providing ‘single sign-on’ convenience and efficiencies to identified individuals, identity
providers and relying parties.” [GAR14] In short, FIdM allows one organization or system to attest to another a user’s
identity and authority.
- With FIdM, one system maintains a user’s identity information, and other systems query that one system when needed.
- FIdM deals effectively with all the cloud identity challenges we have outlined above.
- With FIdM solutions, users can access all of a company’s cloud service providers with the same credentials they
use to access company systems.
Because cloud customers control the authentication process, they can specify authentication requirements that make
sense for them: minimum password length, multifactor authentication, or biometrics, for instance. FIdM also
greatly simplifies the governance issue, ensuring, as it does, that only one system has the authority to create,
modify, or delete user accounts: the customer’s identity management system (commonly LDAP or Microsoft Active
Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)
- The Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) is an XML-based standard that defines a way for systems to securely
exchange user identity and privilege information.
- Web only
- For authentication
- main implementation Shibboleh
- The SAML standard [OAS05a] specifies XML messages that parties can use to exchange identity information, as well as
protocols and rules for those exchanges. SAML messages are usually transmitted over HTTP, and work best in the context
of web-based applications. HTTP offers the added benefit of compatibility with TLS, the use of which we highly
recommend for protection of SAML communications.
- SAML defines three parties who participate in identity exchange:
- • The Service Provider (SP) or Relying Party: A SAML-enabled service, such
- as the LMS, that needs to obtain identity information from a third party
- • The Subject: The entity, be it user or system, that is attempting to log in to the SP
- • The Identity Provider (IdP) or Asserting Party: A SAML-enabled system that can authenticate the Subject and make
assertions about the Subject’s identity
- When a user tries to access an SP, the first thing the SP needs to do is figure out which IdP to reach, a problem
called realm discovery.
- SAML defines three types of Assertions::
- • “Authentication: The assertion subject was authenticated by a particular means at a particular time.”
- • “Attribute: The assertion subject is associated with the supplied attributes.”
- • “Authorization Decision: A request to allow the assertion subject to access the specified resource has been
granted or denied.”
- Whereas SAML is designed to handle authentication, authorization, and single sign-on for users and systems,
OAuth [HAR12] was built to handle a different aspect of FIdM: API access.
- OAuth 2.0 is an authorization standard rather than an authentication standard, and its primary purpose is authorizing
third-party applications to access APIs on a user’s behalf.
- Web and App support
- OAuth does not exchange identity information, just authorization.
- OAuth provides a nice security benefit by allowing users to give third-party applications access to only the account
resources they need (enforcing the principle of least privilege), and doing so without sharing passwords.
- OAuth defines four roles:
- • The Resource Owner, analogous to the SAML subject, is the user with a password-protected online account.
- • The Resource Server is the server on which the APIs reside.
- • The Client, analogous to the SAML SP, is the application that is attempting to access the account APIs.
- • The Authorization Server, analogous to the SAML IdP, is the server that can authenticate the resource owner and
grant the client access to the resource server.
- To build an OAuth Client, you must first register with the service you want to access.
- Registration generally means you give the Authorization Server your application’s URL, and the Authorization
Server gives you a unique identifier (“Client ID”) and a Client Secret to use for authentication (note that this
authenticates the OAuth Client, not a user).
- The Access Token is the credential that OAuth Clients use to log in to Resource Servers and make API calls on a user’s
- A good security practice is to have Access Tokens expire after the length of a typical session (usually on the
order of an hour or two) in order to limit risk if the tokens become compromised. Authorization Servers may give
Confidential Clients more persistent access through Refresh Tokens. Clients can send Refresh Tokens to
Authorization Servers whenever they need new Access Tokens. Confidential Clients typically store Refresh Tokens
permanently, and those tokens continue to function until the user or service provider deauthorizes the client.
OAuth for Authentication (OpenID Connect)
- You can combine with SAML or
- You can use OpenIdConnect standards
- OpenID Connect (OIDC), a relatively new standard for federated authentication.
- OIDC is built on top of OAuth 2.0, which gives it a big feature advantage over SAML. Whereas SAML assumes its clients
are web browsers, and therefore has poor support for native applications, OAuth, and by extension OIDC, supports both
browsers and native applications.
- he biggest difference between OIDC and normal OAuth is the addition of an ID Token, which enables an Authorization
Server to make authentication claims (similar to SAML authentication assertions) about a user.
- Other than that, the OIDC flow is essentially a normal OAuth flow, but one that focuses specifically on identity.
- In place of an OAuth Resource Server, OIDC has a UserInfo Endpoint that delivers only one kind of resource: user
identity information.
- Instead of allowing an OAuth Client to access APIs on a Resource Owner’s behalf, OIDC allows OAuth Clients only to
authenticate users and make UserInfo requests.
- Unlike OAuth, however, OIDC requires TLS for most communication flows, and the ID Token adds hash values for
Authorization Codes and Access Tokens that makes them more difficult to misuse.
Securing IaaS
- Shared Infrastructure:
- The first of these is the threat of shared storage. When you delete a file in the cloud, the file system
deallocates it—that is, forgets it exists—but the file stays on a hard drive somewhere until it is overwritten.
- One option is to use a commercial encryption product to encrypt your sensitive files, in which case you need
not care whether a deleted file gets overwritten, since it will be unreadable anyway.
- This second option is more difficult to enforce than the first, however, and does not provide confidentiality
for data that has not yet been deleted, so encryption should be your preferred route.
- IaaS providers use logical access controls to make sure that users cannot sniff one another’s network traffic
within the IaaS environment. Nonetheless, if you can afford the performance hit of encrypting all your potentially
sensitive IaaS network traffic—including traffic that only travels among VMs within the same IaaS environment—TLS,
SSH, or a VPN will provide a strong second layer of protection.
- Host Access:
- IaaS provider will likely allow you to control hosts via a web-based console interface or an API in addition to
any network services that the host itself may be running
- The difference between the console and API that the IaaS offers versus the services running on your VM hosts
is that you cannot put network protections in front of the console or the API.
- Authentication options will vary by provider, but consider the following if available:
- • Require multifactor authentication for the console interface.
- • Do not share accounts, and do not give any account more privileges than necessary.
- • Use OAuth rather than passwords to give applications access to API interfaces, and limit those applications’
privileges as much as possible.
- • Use FIdM wherever possible so you manage only one set of user accounts.
- Virtual env:
- Creating a hardened VM can be a challenge, but once you have created the VM for a given function, maintaining it
is mostly just patch management.
- Your VMs will have to run SSH or some sort of screen-sharing software so that you can administer them. Limit
access to these services: They are prime targets of attackers. One way to accomplish this is to use network ACLs
to limit SSH and screen-sharing traffic so that the connections must originate from your IP address space.
Summary Cloud
- The cloud has five defining characteristics:
- • On-demand self-service • Broad network access
- • Resource pooling
- • Rapid elasticity
- • Measured service
- There are three basic types of cloud offering—SaaS, PaaS,
- And IaaS—as well as four basic service models: public, private, community, and hybrid. A choice of cloud offering
and service model should be grounded in a careful risk analysis and a cloud provider assessment.
- Cloud services expose their customers to new threats but can be useful security tools. They are particularly helpful
for availability and for augmenting the security of smaller organizations.
- Cloud customers can expect to have limited options for responding to security incidents that take place on cloud
providers’ systems. Customers should work proactively with cloud providers to understand what support will be
available under those circumstances.
- FIdM allows cloud customers to use cloud resources without requiring an extra set of login credentials. It also allows
all login credentials and authentication options to be managed centrally by the customer organization. SAML and OIDC
are currently the prevailing FIdM standards for authentication, and OAuth is the prevailing FIdM standard for API
- Securing IaaS means protecting your systems from the threats posed by shared infrastructure while taking full
advantage of the security benefits of VMs and virtual networks. Prudent use of encryption, both for data-in-transit
and data-at-rest, is critical when using shared infrastructure. VMs should be cordoned off in enclaves and configured
to be highly specialized so as to minimize both their attack surfaces and the impact of successful attacks.
Main Topics
Sub titles:
Returning to risk assessment
- Clause 6.4.3 requires you to produce some mechanism for estimating or assessing likelihood and gives some suggestions
about the sort of scale that should be used.
- Rather than using percentages or probabilities it suggest something like a minimum 5-point verbal scale which is
unambiguous in what each point means (e.g. “once a year”, “once a quarter”, “once a month”, “weekly”, “daily”)
rather using vague terms like “frequent” and “infrequent”.
- Of course, it is impossible to get the scale exactly right and, as part of the regular review and update of the
risk assessment, it will change over time as the organisation learns more about its own unique circumstances. As a
starting point, though, some scale is better than none as it lets us consider the risks relative to each other.
- likelyhood scale
- 1 = lowers to 5- higest
Estimating & accepting risk
- We have both impact and likelihood estimates, we can finally produce an estimate of risk
- i.e. the combination of the two. Clause 6.4.4 discusses this process and a table like Table 3 in that clause is a
good way to produce consistent risk estimates.
- it is common for there to be debate about whether the risk values being produced are “correct” or not. If there is
consensus that they are not then it indicates that either the risk evaluation grid (Table 3 is an example) is wrong or
one or both of the impact and likelihood ranking scales is wrong.
- the qualitative risk matrix design should be driven by risk criteria of the organization(6.4.5).
Accepting risk
- Much as we would like to prevent all risks from ever occurring, that simply isn’t possible.
- Some are too rare to care about, and some are too expensive to deal with.
- We need to identify 2 subset of risk
- Risks we will accept because they’re too expensive to deal with or not important enough to matter (i.e. they’re
rare and/or low impact).
- Risks we need to deal with in some way because their effect on the organisation has a significant adverse effect
- these levels need to be agreed and signed off at board level - not least because directors may be personally liable
for adverse impacts on the organisation or the real-world entities represented by the affected objects within the
7.4.1 Activity: Risk acceptance criteria
- Risks with a risk evaluation score of Medium or lower shall be accepted, with the following exceptions:
- Privacy policy and regulations - If the impact of the risk includes a breach in the company privacy policy, the
risk shall not be accepted.
- Customer promises - If the impact of the risk contradicts terms set out in any company policy regarding customer
service and standard practice, the risk shall not be accepted.
- Threat frequency - If the impact of the risk is likely to be recurring, or likely to lead to more severe threats,
the risk shall not be accepted.
- Legal obligations - If there is a legal obligation to employ measures to prevent a certain threat, the associated
risk shall not be accepted.
- Risks with a score of low or very low can be accepted with consultation or judgement being required for a score of
- Anything that can lead to financial losses over the quarterly profit projection will not be accepted.
- Any attacks that may lead to further, more advanced attacks(i.e higher ransoms) will not be accepted.
- Any risks or attacks that access or expose any sensitive data about staff, stakeholders, customers etc will not be
- If something is required by law to be in place then this must be immediately be placed on the ‘not accepted’ list.
- All risks classed as low or very low i.e very rare likelihood or very low impact can be accepted.
Activity: Model response
- Likelihood scale
- For our example car parts company, some types of event can be guaranteed to happen hourly (e.g. probes of the
Internet router’s external port looking for vulnerabilities), possible even more frequently, while some will be
much rarer (e.g. Tax Inspection or, if we’re doing it right, complaints about Data Protection and Security) so we
need a non-linear scale.
- Risk Estimate
- From my answers, I produced this initial table to show impact vs. frequency:
- Risk measures run from VH = Very High to VL = Very Low and are entirely based on my own knowledge of this type of
- Your answer will be correct, no matter what it is, because it’s an initial estimate which will be refined as
understanding of the system evolves through its normal lifecycle and review.
- For example, while reviewing this answer, I started to wonder if the impact scale was granular enough, with
just 3 ratings, or if it needed to be expanded to 5 (adding Very High and Very Low) to allow for better
distinction between incident types.
- Risk Acceptance
- From our risk estimate table, we can see that we have risks ranging from VL to VH, based on likelihood (or, more
accurately, frequency of occurrence) and impact on the business.
- Anything rated VH or H must be considered for treatment - because it’s almost certainly going to happen, and
it has the potential for major damage to the business. However, if the cost of the resulting damage and associated
remediation, is less than the cost required to prevent or mitigate it, is it wise to spend that? Remember, when
making these judgments, that cost may not be solely direct financial, but can include reputational and
consequential (longer term) harm as well.
- But what about things rated M, L or VL?
- In my table, VL ratings are for rare and low impact events. It’s probably going to cost too much to prevent or
reduce them so it may be acceptable to allow them to happen - BUT to have a plan to deal with them if they do
happen (e.g. rather than putting fault-tolerant RAID storage onto every desktop computer in the organisation, to
reduce the chance of hard drive failure, we’ll have proper backups and a plan to deploy a replacement machine if
there’s a failure).
- So, what about M and L rated risks? These either happens rarely, or have lower impact - but are still
significant in business terms. These join the VH and H risks in the group that requires treatment.
Scenario risk assessment
Risk Assasment
OWASP Risk Rating Methodology
- Risk = Likelihood * Impact
Step 1: Identifying a Risk
Step 2: Factors for Estimating Likelihood
Step 3: Factors for Estimating Impact
Step 4: Determining Severity of the Risk
Step 5: Deciding What to Fix
Step 6: Customizing Your Risk Rating Model
1) Establishing the context
- Applying the ISO/IEC 27001 Clauses 4 and 5.3 to the company, making any reasonable assumptions that you need to, to
produce the following:
- A statement of the purpose of the business
- A list of internal and external issues that relate to the information security system(s) within the business
- A list of the interested parties relevant to the information security management system and the
issues/requirements specific to them
- A statement of the boundary of the business’s information security system (i.e. where does their ability to
control and/or responsibility for security end, and what is included inside the boundary?)
- A list of roles, within the information security management system, and what the responsibilities and authorities
for those roles are, or should be.
identfying threats
- BS 7799-3 Clause 6
- “To implement an Information Security Management System (ISMS), ensure compliance with the law, prepare a business
continuity plan, or meet specific security requirements of our services and/or products.”
- “ISMS” - an Information Security Management System - clearly identifies the scope as being Information, not
physical, security.
- “Compliance with the law” - means we need to think about the laws that apply to the organisation and its
activities. At a minimum, we’re probably going to have to consider GDPR, but there may be others such as Human
Rights legislation, financial conduct regulations etc.
- “Business continuity plan” - a means for keeping the organisation running, albeit at a reduced or minimal level,
if a disaster happens. That means we need to identify activities within the organisation and prioritise them in
order of importance to the organisation’s continued survival.
- “Services and/or products” - again, we need to think about what the organisation does or makes and what the
security requirements for each of those is.
2) Establishing the ISMS boundary
- ISMS boundary - The company is responsible for all systems which it has complete control of, but not responsible for
any external systems upon which it relies. It will ensure that the data it exchanges with external systems conforms to
specifications, but cannot reasonably be responsible for the data once it has left the company’s own systems. It will
share responsibility for data in transit and will only allow data to be transferred in a secure manner.
- Example:
- All of the systems that I have listed lie inside the boundary, with the possible exceptions of
- some customer payment (item c) handling (e.g. customer payments might be outsourced to something like PayPal)
- HR & payroll (item i) which might be dealt with through an external agency as well
- Mailing lists (items g and h), which could be outsourced to another third party like Mailchimp
3) Identifying consequences